okay, try this link. It will take you to the Retrovaille dates in Seattle. First one is April 20th. Please prayerfully consider sharing this information with your wife. By the way, there may be one that starts sooner that would take some driving (if 4/20 is too far away).
retrouvaille.org/dates.php (This doesn’t seem to take you where I was, but see below)
Community Information
**Community Name: Seattle, Wa - Retrouvaille of Seattle
Language: English
Catholic_ncm: Catholic
Questions via Email:
Contact: Dan & Mary WASELL
Questions via Phone: (206) 361-3745 **
Vision Statement
A Beacon Of Hope For A World Accepting Despair
The unchallenged acceptance of divorce has infected our world with hopelessness, but we believe that every marriage deserves the opportunity to survive, be healed and thrive as a covenant of life and love. Retrouvaille is the place where we, as hurting couples, found hope and so we are passionately committed to dramatically increasing the number of couples served in both new and existing communities worldwide.
Mission Statement
Retrouvaille is an International community of disciples committed to the continued healing of their marriages and, empowered by the Holy Spirit, sharing their stories, talents and gifts to promote and spread the healing ministry of Retrouvaille.
Patron Saint
The Patron Saint of Retrouvaille is St. Joseph
Retrouvaille began in 1977 as a French language weekend for hurting marriages in the province of Quebec, Canada. It was adapted to English by the community in Toronto, who also revised and strengthened the contents of the weekend and developed the post-weekend programs. From 1982, Retrouvaille has spread through the U.S.A., South America and from 1991 into many other countries around the world.
Read the Full History
The Goals of Retrouvaille
The primary goal is to provide help for couples who live in the disappointment and pain of a marriage problems. The weekend provides a safe setting encouraging couples to learn communication in marriage in a respectful manner. The post-weekend phase of the Retrouvaille program is as critical to a couple experiencing marital problems as the initial weekend experience. The degree of disappointment, deterioration and despair in hurting marriages cannot be healed in one weekend. Restoration takes time. The post-weekend sessions provide support as couples discuss concepts of the importance of communication in marriage, intimacy, and many other topics. Today’s unchallenged acceptance of divorce suggests that many friends, families, church communities are providing only limited support for marriages. Retrouvaille is a program that is solely dedicated to providing the necessary support to help save marriages.
The Programs Leaders
A team of three couples and a priest or three couples and a Christian minister & spouse for Christian Multi-Denominational (CMD) weekends present the Retrouvaille weekend. The presenting couples have grown through serious disillusionment, pain and conflict in their own relationships. These couples offer hope as they share their personal stories of struggle, reconciliation and healing. The team couples share the deep and personal hurts they have experienced. This helps participants find the courage to express some of their own pain with their spouse in a safe and private place. In sharing their values and insights, team couples offer a message different from society’s model of independence and selfishness. Hurting couples are invited to see how listening, communication, conflict management and forgiveness are healthy tools for building a stable relationship.
Retrouvaille Logo
The logo indicates the “Lifeline” that is given to marriages, via Retrouvaille, to be healed through the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s Death and Resurrection.
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