Will a person which could be possessed go to hell for sure?

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I’m sorry for my english, i’m from France. It’s difficult to have a good forum in french.

I converted to catholicism at the age of 22. I stopped going to church because i did a bad thing, i was so selfish. So i decided to choose a spirituality that i could do alone and i found something about advaïta vedanta on the web. It’s an oriental metaphysic.

Some months before i discovered advaïta, i started hearing voices, so i went to the psychiatrist and took medicines.

In advaïta what i do is very simple, i try to feel myself exist in the present. By doing that i had, some years ago, an experience where i could see light in my body and something going out of my head. I felt very good, but it was not a big deal, and i forgot.

But during the past days i’ve had a lot of new experiences. I used to be in the present for quite a long time and decided to say a christian prayer, hesychast i think. And again a light going in my body and some black mass taking off my body. So now i know that the light can heal me.

And today, as i was meditating, always in order to find a way to heal myself, i saw a black mass taking off my head, hearing voices further from my head. And this black mass turning around me.

It’s not my disease, i’m very calm and very in peace, now i’m used with these kind of things. And now i’m one hundred percent sure that there is a life after living on earth.

I trust God and i know that i’m selfish and i have to really convert to get rid of this thing. But now i’m sure that there is a life after, i don’t want to go to hell.

If i take the oriental point of view, it’s just an illusion. My self fighting against another self. And at the end i just need to observe this game between this to self.

But from the catholic point of view, i’m afraid that my self could be possessed by another self, and go to hell after death.

Could you tell something about that, please ? Thanks a lot.
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You need to speak to a psychologist and perhaps a priest. We cannot tell you whether or not you’re possessed.
Thanks for answering.

I precise that i started hearing voices 9 years ago.

But if i’m possessed, what is the destination of the soul after death, for sure ?
We don’t have the authority or the means to say if you are possesed, and this thread will surely be closed in some time. Please see where is your closest Parish or Convent and make an appointment with a Priest there, he will know what to do.

Just as a side note, you cannot go to Hell by dying possessed. Possession affects the body, not the soul of the person, and can be remedied with an exorcism. However, you have to repent and confess whatever sin that lead you to possession, if you are possessed indeed.
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Thanks very much !

Could anybody else confirm that if i have enough reason to know that i prefer Jesus to the bad, i will not go to hell ? Thank you
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