Will Condoms Stop AIDS in Africa?

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I ran into this interesting article while looking up something else. It provides some well documented information about the ineffectiveness of condom use and stopping AIDS in Africa


There was a recent thread on the subject but I couldn’t find it to link the article. Sorry if this is a duplicate.
Lisa N
Condoms have holes.
People who advocate such things have holes in their logic and in their morality.
I remember an interview recently (can’t remember where) that presented numbers indicating the only African country where HIV/AIDS is decreasing is Rwanda where abstinence is promoted extensively through healthcare and even advertising.
Whenever i hear someome say to me"aids is being spread by stubborn catholics not allowing there followers use condoms"…!]

I say one thing to that person"if everyone was a practicing catholic,aids would not exist today"
When i say this i mean,a catholic isnt allowed sex before marriage and a married couple cant have a divorce,therefore sex is only active between the married couple,therefore not allowing aids to be spread!

And when people say its the catholics fault for aids,they are using US as scapegoats for there own bad-doing!

We catholics are just sticking to the morals and values that have kept most catholics aids free!
Condoms have holes.
The holes that are intentionally in a condom (ie. to allow airflow) in relation to the AIDS virus are as the size of a basketball to the size of a period at the end of a sentence. besides that, something like 15% (i don’t remember the exact percentage but it’s significant if you consider the consequences) of condoms are defective. so ummm, no. condoms do not stop the AIDS virus at all. Abstinence does tho :rolleyes: .

God Bless
In response to the OP, no, condoms will stop AIDS nowhere, not in Africa, nor anywhere in the world.
My answer will not suprise Lisa N. I almost always agree with her. I always read her posts.
The spread of HIV and other venereal diseases is not caused by a shortage of latex. It is caused by individuals choosing to satisfy a short term appetite in a reckless manner from a secular perspective and a sinful manner from the perspective of any of the major religions.

When men and women recover their dignity as sons and daughters of God, then HIV will essentially vanish in a single generation.

Just look what happened to smoking over the last 25 years.

Smoking in the 1970’s and 1980’s was a given. You could even smoke in hospitals. High Schools had smoking lounges for students. Now this is impossible, even illegal. Same could be said for improper use of sexuality.

The same could be said for pre/extra marital sex which is the predominant vector for the HIV virus. All it takes is a convinced people.
they don’t stop Aids anywhere else, why would they work any better in Africa?
What Annie said. Condoms haven’t stopped AIDS anywhere yet, and they still won’t in the future, in Africa or anywhere else.

All they do is encourage people to have pre-marital and extramarital and homosexual sex without worrying about the consequences, which always come down on them anyway.
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