Will Gender testing increase abortions?

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A new product, Baby Gender Mentor, allows gender determination as early as 5 weeks into the pregnancy. Ethicists think this may result in abortions for the “wrong” sex babies. News articles about the subject quote statistics about Japan, where ther are currently 120 males for every 100 females, or India where it is something like 1000 males for every 750 females. But of course, America is different, isn’t it?
I recently read an article about Japan’s declining birth rate…
*This is parts of it: *
*To combat a shrinking population, a small town in northern Japan has decided to give a **cash award **worth about $9,600 to each female resident who has a third child, an official said Friday.
To be eligible, the women must have lived in Yamatsuri town for more than a year, town hall spokesman Eiichi Takanobu said.

Yamatsuri, where the population has fallen from 7,400 a decade ago to 7,000 this year, is not alone among Japanese towns who are losing people.

To encourage families to have more children, the central government has started** building more day-care centers and encouraged men to take paternity leave.**

It is rare, however, for a town to offer its female residents a large sum for having a baby.

Yamatsuri will hand mothers a lump sum of $4,800 within three months after giving birth to a third baby. The women will then be given $480 each year between the child’s second and 11th birthday, Takanobu said.

This is what happens when we tamper with Mother Nature and God’s laws. What next?*
Well, I don’t even really care to know what my first child is. It doesn’t matter to me. i sure hope people don’t start aborting because their child is the “wrong” sex.

i sure hope people don’t start aborting because their child is the “wrong” sex.
Unfortunately, this is not uncommon, especially in countries like China and India, were male children are “more desirable”.:crying:
I think the real shame is that the doctors quoted in the news articles all say stuff like “well, I wouldn’t ban the product, but I hope it doesn’t happen.” reminds me of the ostrich.
I can’t wait to see what happens if we isolate the elusive “gay gene” and devise a prenatal test for it.
Well, I don’t even really care to know what my first child is. It doesn’t matter to me. i sure hope people don’t start aborting because their child is the “wrong” sex.

good answer… you have no choice… each is a gift!
I would hope not! I had my children long ago just on the cusp of the time when people could tell the sex of their child by ultrasound later on in the pregnancy. We liked not knowing since it was so great anticipating what we were going to have. Like waiting 9 months to open a gift that has a tag on it saying, “Don’t open until Christmas”. We were so wonderfully surprised with both our daughters, and wouldn’t have it any other way.
I would hope not! I had my children long ago just on the cusp of the time when people could tell the sex of their child by ultrasound later on in the pregnancy. We liked not knowing since it was so great anticipating what we were going to have. Like waiting 9 months to open a gift that has a tag on it saying, “Don’t open until Christmas”. We were so wonderfully surprised with both our daughters, and wouldn’t have it any other way.
We did it like you for our first five, but on the last due to complications we had the first ultrasounds of the whole batch, and assented to know he was a boy.

Total 3 to 3. 😃

I surely hope not, but unfortunately we know it will. So many people are selfish. I am now to old to have anymore children, in fact I was unable to have anymore following the birth of my last child. (I only had 3). I had countless miscarriages and it really upsets me how someone can just “throw away” one of God’s greatest gifts. Especially when it not the “right” sex. ** IT’S NOT A CHOICE…IT’S A CHILD:love: **
I would think that knowing the sex of your unborn child could immensely personalize him or her, such that the mother would not feel she is carrying an “embryo” but a real person. So I think gender testing could have the capacity to actually decrease abortions.
i no of some parents who do this simply so they can choose an appropriate name and decorate the room, but then you look at china where statistics estimate that there will be several thousand bachalors by 2020 b/c of hte one child policy, so many people simply abort girls or give them up for overseas adoption. it is so sad. i am so afraid, with all these tests that soon parents will be picking and choosing genes to create the ‘perfect’ child. why cant we just leave this to God?? our society could become very frightening down the road, with generations of ‘perfect’ children competing . . .
Yes, it probably will.
I can’t wait to see what happens if we isolate the elusive “gay gene” and devise a prenatal test for it.
That would be an equally bad outcome. But if there really were a “gay gene” it’s likely that homosexuality would have died out centuries ago simply through natural selection.
I would think that knowing the sex of your unborn child could immensely personalize him or her, such that the mother would not feel she is carrying an “embryo” but a real person. So I think gender testing could have the capacity to actually decrease abortions.
When I had my children it wasn’t routine. I only had a sonagram with Baby #3 because I was so large, to make sure only one and not further along. I wasn’t either just big:D Getting to the point, I never knew what my babies would be but never once did I say the “embryo or Fetus” or “it” I call the baby “the baby” from the minute I knew, as did many mothers in the past. But it would have been nice to know.
I would think that knowing the sex of your unborn child could immensely personalize him or her, such that the mother would not feel she is carrying an “embryo” but a real person. So I think gender testing could have the capacity to actually decrease abortions.
Thats exactly how I choose to view this… the sooner a person can identify their baby as a baby and not an embryo…the sooner they will bond and name the child and not think of him/her as a “thing”…anything can be used for evil… too many people choose to look at things in the negative…“everyones got evil intent except me when it comes to science syndrome”… evil aint going anywhere… so investigate the postive aspects of this great science and hope for the best instead of the worst…what if this is an answer for prayers to God so that people will recognize their unborn as people at the earliest stages? Has anyone stopped to consider that? Or are our prayers for life only to considered as being answered successfully by what judge sits on the bench or if Roe is overturned?
I thought being Catholic is supposed to infuse people with a POSITIVE outlook? :confused:
It probably will.

There is no justification for killing babies and there never will be, but people who are so morally confused that they’ll do it for convenience wouldn’t mind doing it because they prefer pink or blue hats in the nursery.

It will be interesting to see how feminists will react. They have argued over and over and over that it is a “woman’s body” and “her right to choose abortion for any reason.” There is no logical way feminist argue that abortion-on-demand is an absolute right, unless it is for sex selection (but they will argue this, not only with straight faces, but with a self-righteous air of indignation).

I’ll agree with the feminists that abortions for sex selection is wrong. I’ll also agree with gay rights activists that it would be wrong to abort because the child may be gay. However, unlike these two overwhelmingly pro-abortion constituencies (who only oppose it because of an agenda), I believe chosing abortino for any reason is wrong. Period.
Getting to the point, I never knew what my babies would be but never once did I say the “embryo or Fetus” or “it” I call the baby “the baby” from the minute I knew, as did many mothers in the past.
Yes of course. I just mean that it might be harder for a woman contemplating abortion to think of her baby as a “fetus” if she knows the sex. A woman who is eagerly expecting…of course she doesn’t refer to her child as an embryo!
I’m guessing that there could be situations where it would increase or decrease abortions.

In the sense that would help the mother to bond by knowing it’s a girl or boy, I agree that it would (or should) be more difficult to kill that baby. Not to mention that it would haunt her even worse to know for sure (I’ve heard many stories of women who’ve aborted and said they knew they killed their son/daughter without even knowing for sure).

On the other hand, if people get numb to this idea of gender selection, the way they have for abortion, then I think it will eventually be easier for people to get pregnant expecting to abort if it isn’t a boy/girl. It will just take on an it wasn’t meant to be ideology. I hope and pray this doesn’t happen, but I won’t hold my breath. 😦
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