Will humans suffer more than angels in Hell?

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This has bothered me a bit. After the final Judgment, damned humans will suffer physically and spiritually in Hell.

But demons, being pure spirits, will suffer spiritually only.

This seems to lead to the thought that Satan and the rest of the demons won’t suffer as much as humans. This doesn’t make sense, seeing as that angelic beings knew with certainty the evil of their choice to reject God, so their sin would be greater, and thus warrant greater punishment.

Also, listening to one Catholic speaker I got the impression that there will be a hierarchy in Hell, with angelic beings being able to torment and torture humans. That almost gives me the impression that demons will enjoy Hell through being able to torment humans, whereas humans will hate hell. Isn’t that unfair?
This has bothered me a bit. After the final Judgment, damned humans will suffer physically and spiritually in Hell.

But demons, being pure spirits, will suffer spiritually only.

This seems to lead to the thought that Satan and the rest of the demons won’t suffer as much as humans. This doesn’t make sense, seeing as that angelic beings knew with certainty the evil of their choice to reject God, so their sin would be greater, and thus warrant greater punishment.

Also, listening to one Catholic speaker I got the impression that there will be a hierarchy in Hell, with angelic beings being able to torment and torture humans. That almost gives me the impression that demons will enjoy Hell through being able to torment humans, whereas humans will hate hell. Isn’t that unfair?
It is my understanding that since the rebellious angels had a closer affiliation with God because they are pure spirits, but created spirits, and God is Pure Spirit they had more of a closer contact with God and blessed to a greater degree than we are. So their loss of the contact and enjoyment of God would be more depriving to a greater degree than it would be to us, and consequently their suffering would also be greater. St. Thomas writes that the rebellious angels will be subjected to the humiliation of physical fire even though they are pure spirits, but the greatest loss will be the loss of the Beatific Vision of God for which they were created. The separation from God would constitute their greatest pain. They were given much, and lost much. There is no pleasure in Hell, there is extreme hatred and there is a hierarchy as there was in Heaven. It is believed that if satan could destroy himself he would, but that is not possible. There will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth- Jesus, and eternal fire. With humans it is believed that their punishment will be tailored to the sins that condemned them, but they too suffer the most from the loss of the Beatific Vision, the loss of God.
This has bothered me a bit. After the final Judgment, damned humans will suffer physically and spiritually in Hell.

But demons, being pure spirits, will suffer spiritually only.

This seems to lead to the thought that Satan and the rest of the demons won’t suffer as much as humans. This doesn’t make sense, seeing as that angelic beings knew with certainty the evil of their choice to reject God, so their sin would be greater, and thus warrant greater punishment.

Also, listening to one Catholic speaker I got the impression that there will be a hierarchy in Hell, with angelic beings being able to torment and torture humans. That almost gives me the impression that demons will enjoy Hell through being able to torment humans, whereas humans will hate hell. Isn’t that unfair?
I agree with the first poster to respond, above. I might also add that the humans that go to hell will most likely taunt the demons about their fate, just as much as the demons will taunt them. I don’t think it will be a one-sided ‘fight’, at all. They will all share equally in the miseries of hell. While there will be greater and lesser demons, there will also be greater and lesser among the human souls, some of which will certainly be very adept at dishing out a plethora of evil attacks against the evil they receive from the demons. Their sufferings will be equal to their own personal degree of sinfulness, so they will all get exactly what they deserve. God’s Judgements are always fair, even in hell. The damned will know that their punishment fits their crimes. No more, no less.
Not in my opinion, Satan and the fallen angels committed a sin that NO human could possibly commit, as we have never been to heaven and could really not threaten a ‘coup’ of heaven, so I believe their crimes (sins) were FAR more serious than anything humans can do here, but then again, angels do not have original sin either, so…??
Not in my opinion, Satan and the fallen angels committed a sin that NO human could possibly commit, as we have never been to heaven and could really not threaten a ‘coup’ of heaven, so I believe their crimes (sins) were FAR more serious than anything humans can do here, but then again, angels do not have original sin either, so…??
The angelic beings, during their test, were not in the same “heaven” as seeing God face-to-face. They were in heaven in the sense of the “angelic realm,” but only those who chose God were admitted to the Beatific Vision (heaven).
Not in my opinion, Satan and the fallen angels committed a sin that NO human could possibly commit, as we have never been to heaven and could really not threaten a ‘coup’ of heaven, so I believe their crimes (sins) were FAR more serious than anything humans can do here, but then again, angels do not have original sin either, so…??
Also, Angels receive no sacraments…so humans could turn away from the Eucharist, but the angels do not receive Eucharist…but as you say, they had a special relationship with the Creator…and they blew it.
I don’t think it does any good to ponder who will suffer the most. Please God, we hope none of us suffer in hell.
All in all a place to stay away from. I don’t spend much time considering Hell, I am on a slow track away from the place guided by my guardian angel and the blessed Mother. I believe the angels would be faring the worse, but I hope the Lord will one day save these as well, even though our theology holds out no hope. Best leave it to our Merciful God.
There is private revelation from saints that would tell us that demons administer torments to human souls, and that souls will attack each other. Hell is the warped antithesis of Heaven. Just as angels are ministering spirits above, their demonic kin are ministering spirits below. This means that if in the Beatific Vision there is the embrace of love, below, there is the trading of blows. Hell will be an eternal battlefield, with souls - already tormented with fire - striking & beating each other like mad dogs. It will be immensely violent. This is how they will occupy their time. In their agony they will yearn to cause suffering to those in Heaven who are forever impassable to it, and since they cannot, they will turn on each other. They will use wrath as a means to vent and ease their pain, but they will be eternally unsuccessful. Demons will indeed administer suffering with the intent of gaining pleasure from it, but like with all other carnal or attractive vices, it is an urge that will be impossible to satisfy, and it will ultimately be an act of eternal frustration.
Those in Heaven will cease to think about those in Hell, but those in Hell will never cease to think about those in Heaven. It will be a one-way obsession, where the damned will experience throes of hideously powerful envy, whereas the elect - though taking no pleasure in the death of the wicked - will recognize with perfect clarity the sinister disposition their lost kin have chosen. The elect will justifiably not feel pity towards the damned. They will move on into a kingdom where they will forever love and be loved.
Hello Feltmeanings.
This has bothered me a bit. After the final Judgment, damned humans will suffer physically and spiritually in Hell.

But demons, being pure spirits, will suffer spiritually only.

This seems to lead to the thought that Satan and the rest of the demons won’t suffer as much as humans. This doesn’t make sense, seeing as that angelic beings knew with certainty the evil of their choice to reject God, so their sin would be greater, and thus warrant greater punishment.

Also, listening to one Catholic speaker I got the impression that there will be a hierarchy in Hell, with angelic beings being able to torment and torture humans. That almost gives me the impression that demons will enjoy Hell through being able to torment humans, whereas humans will hate hell. Isn’t that unfair?
To the demons, they are their own punishment. Right now, in current time the only “pleasure” any demon has in in the destruction of a human being.

As for the talk that you heard, I cannot comment on what you were told simply because I wasn’t there and what you have stated is 2nd hand. What I can say is this: the is already a hierarchy of demons, in particular there are nine ranks of them, each having it’s own attributes and place in the hierarchy as well as supernatural gifts belonging to each. This is a mirror of the Angels and is the same as when they were created and sinless. The Nine Choirs of Angels are Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. That is the order of their power, authority and ranks, Seraphim being the highest and most powerful, while the Angels being the last and least powerful. Demons have retained their ranks and powers in the supernatural order of things after their fall, that is one of the reasons messing around with them and their works is so dangerous. They have supernatural powers while you only have natural ones. By your very nature you are handicapped. However, you shouldn’t walk around fearing them or their powers for it is only by God’s permissive will that they can act in human lives. We have God. We have Mary. We have recourse to the Sacraments. We have the bounty of the spiritual banquet of the Church with her sacramentals, relics and devotions. We have strength in them and they provide all the protection we need.

If you’ve ever read or heard anything about the workings of exorcism, (meaning the *real *kind that the Church performs, not the deliverance ministries that draw all kinds of nuts to them, etc. ) one thing you’ll find is that the demons actually do suffer from the ministrations of the Priest performing the exorcism and they hate being sent back to the Abyss from which them wandered to afflict a person. They actually do experience sufferings and I read one account in which the particular Priest performing the Rite was devoted to Mary, the Mother of God and this particular demon was afflicted more by her name then the other names of the Saints he invoked and at one point the demon was asking for “mercy” from the Priest with his use of "that name (meaning Mary)! It was an amazing story.

Oh well. I’ve said too much again. Hope it helps.

Hello Feltmeanings.

To the demons, they are their own punishment. Right now, in current time the only “pleasure” any demon has in in the destruction of a human being.

As for the talk that you heard, I cannot comment on what you were told simply because I wasn’t there and what you have stated is 2nd hand. What I can say is this: the is already a hierarchy of demons, in particular there are nine ranks of them, each having it’s own attributes and place in the hierarchy as well as supernatural gifts belonging to each. This is a mirror of the Angels and is the same as when they were created and sinless. The Nine Choirs of Angels are Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. That is the order of their power, authority and ranks, Seraphim being the highest and most powerful, while the Angels being the last and least powerful. Demons have retained their ranks and powers in the supernatural order of things after their fall, that is one of the reasons messing around with them and their works is so dangerous. They have supernatural powers while you only have natural ones. By your very nature you are handicapped. However, you shouldn’t walk around fearing them or their powers for it is only by God’s permissive will that they can act in human lives. We have God. We have Mary. We have recourse to the Sacraments. We have the bounty of the spiritual banquet of the Church with her sacramentals, relics and devotions. We have strength in them and they provide all the protection we need.

If you’ve ever read or heard anything about the workings of exorcism, (meaning the *real *kind that the Church performs, not the deliverance ministries that draw all kinds of nuts to them, etc. ) one thing you’ll find is that the demons actually do suffer from the ministrations of the Priest performing the exorcism and they hate being sent back to the Abyss from which them wandered to afflict a person. They actually do experience sufferings and I read one account in which the particular Priest performing the Rite was devoted to Mary, the Mother of God and this particular demon was afflicted more by her name then the other names of the Saints he invoked and at one point the demon was asking for “mercy” from the Priest with his use of "that name (meaning Mary)! It was an amazing story.

Oh well. I’ve said too much again. Hope it helps.

Its always seemed strange to me that even though satan and the other fallen angels did what they did, they retained and possibly gained some supernatural powers…why would God allow them to retain these powers?

Since this is true, does this mean, when humans die, we will also retain our abilities, whatever they may be?
All in all a place to stay away from. I don’t spend much time considering Hell, I am on a slow track away from the place guided by my guardian angel and the blessed Mother. I believe the angels would be faring the worse, but I hope the Lord will one day save these as well, even though our theology holds out no hope. Best leave it to our Merciful God.
No hope? Jesus told us that for God all things are possible. Instead of dwelling on Hell we should remember the words of St Paul:
34 Who then will condemn us? No one—for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.
35 **Can anything ever separate us from Christ’s love? Does it mean he no longer loves us if we have trouble or calamity, or are persecuted, or hungry, or destitute, or in danger, or threatened with death? 36 (As the Scriptures say, “For your sake we are killed every day; we are being slaughtered like sheep.”a]) 37 No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,
(“Romans 8:31-39 NLT - Nothing Can Separate Us from God’s - Bible Gateway”)] neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—**not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.**39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
  • Romans 8.34-39
Its always seemed strange to me that even though satan and the other fallen angels did what they did, they retained and possibly gained some supernatural powers…why would God allow them to retain these powers?

Since this is true, does this mean, when humans die, we will also retain our abilities, whatever they may be?
It is the nature of angels to have certain powers, Because they are in Hell, their natures don’t change only their mode of existence.changes They still retain their powers according to their nature, but they do not have super-natural grace, the Holy Spirit. They are allowed by God to test the saints, and allowed by God to reign over humanity that is in a fallen state. It is appropriate to let those designed to be more powerful in their nature to reign over those whose nature is weaker. The fallen angels are rebellious and so they reign over the human rebels. We are born into a rebellious state by original sin, and we have to be reborn again into a new life in grace, a life in the Holy Spirit, not into a rebellious life of a fallen angel If God allowed them to exercise their full power over humans we would be doomed. Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan, which is sin, and corruption. Sin is rebellion against God

Like the fallen angels, we will retain our abilities,but after death until our resurrection we will be restricted in our physical abilities, but with a "glorified soul, and a spiritualized body our abilities will be enhanced, and we will enjoy some of the powers the angels have. Jesus demonstrated some of these powers in His appearance after the resurrection
This has bothered me a bit. After the final Judgment, damned humans will suffer physically and spiritually in Hell.

But demons, being pure spirits, will suffer spiritually only.

This seems to lead to the thought that Satan and the rest of the demons won’t suffer as much as humans. This doesn’t make sense, seeing as that angelic beings knew with certainty the evil of their choice to reject God, so their sin would be greater, and thus warrant greater punishment.

Also, listening to one Catholic speaker I got the impression that there will be a hierarchy in Hell, with angelic beings being able to torment and torture humans. That almost gives me the impression that demons will enjoy Hell through being able to torment humans, whereas humans will hate hell. Isn’t that unfair?
Satans are not angel. Satan according to Quran is described as kind of Jin(evil spirit, fairy). There are no evil angel. all angels are good and they do not rebel and commit sin. Angel do what they are ordered. So angels won’t go in Hell. Also there are good and evil Jins. Satan is kind of an evil Jin who rebel against God.

There are many angels in Hell who are appointed but they do not suffer because their substance is resistant against Hell fire.
Satans are not angel. Satan according to Quran is described as kind of Jin(evil spirit, fairy). There are no evil angel. all angels are good and they do not rebel and commit sin. Angel do what they are ordered. So angels won’t go in Hell. Also there are good and evil Jins. Satan is kind of an evil Jin who rebel against God.

There are many angels in Hell who are appointed but they do not suffer because their substance is resistant against Hell fire.
This is not according to church teaching. Jesus came to destroy the works of Satan, these works lead men into rebellion against God, sin. The fallen angels were once holy angels but rebelled against God, and fell to earth and Hell like lightening, according to Jesus. Evil spirits are these angels seeking the destruction of souls, their damnation to Hell. The Quran doesn’t acknowledge that Jesus is the second Person, a Divine Person, of the Blessed Trinity It regards Him as a special person born of a human mother, but not Divine, so why should they believe what Christianity reveals completely. Satan called Lucifer was once an Angel of light, closest to the throne of God. Angel do suffer the loss of the Beatific Vision, seeing God face to face, eternal bliss. This is a greater suffering than physical suffering, suffering eternally without hope.and in darkness, and fire. St.Thomas one of the great Teachers of the Catholic Church,stated that the fallen angels as an additional punishment suffer the humiliation of being subjected to physical fire which does not normally affect spirits, God is in charge and can make these changes. Angels will always remain angels in their nature, but because they rebelled against God, they did not cease to be angels, but angels who lost their holiness, and became evil in their acts separated from God eternally for whom they were created.
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