Will it sadden you not to find a loved one in Heaven?

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Someone told me if you go to Heaven 🙂 and a person you love very much goes to Hell :mad: then you will not be perfectly happy in Heaven because you would miss that person and feel sad that he or she went to Hell. :crying:

Therefore everybody will be saved because otherwise there would be no perfect happiness for everyone in Heaven and Heaven is all about perfect happiness, right?.:dancing:

What do you think of that?


Someone told me if you go to Heaven 🙂 and a person you love very much goes to Hell :mad: then you will not be perfectly happy in Heaven because you would miss that person and feel sad that he or she went to Hell. :crying:
I hope that I will be perfectly happy in heaven, and that “they” have all these things worked out there. Plus, Christ said we will not be married or given in marriage in heaven, so I imagine things are quite a bit different, and things that make us sad in this temporal world will not be an issue later.
Therefore everybody will be saved because otherwise there would be no perfect happiness for everyone in Heaven and Heaven is all about perfect happiness, right?.:dancing:
What do you think of that?
Now that you put it like that, I think I like their idea! 👍

Well personally I don’t wanna let myself get too lax in thinking we will all be automatically saved etc Other wise I am in serious danger of the sins of Pride and Sloth!

The thing is I don’t think we can know or understand heaven until we get there. What we DO have to go by is what Jesus has told us (and since we all trust Jesus we can believe it).
That is that in heaven we will be close to God for ever and that we will experience complete happiness. How that happiness works I’m not sure but if we are going to be near God forever then I can believe it!
The thing is we will all go through some time in purgatory where we will be changed - in that we will be cleansed of our sins - so I would imagine that when we get to heaven we will need different things to make us happy than now in our fallen natures. This is just a guess though.
I just say lets trust that we will be happy.
Also, lets trust Jesus and his Church in their instruction as to HOW to get to heaven. All we need to do is confess our sins regularly and accept God’s forgivness. Not that hard is it? :rolleyes:
(says the girl who has to DRAG herself to the confessional!)
Someone told me if you go to Heaven 🙂 and a person you love very much goes to Hell :mad: then you will not be perfectly happy in Heaven because you would miss that person and feel sad that he or she went to Hell. :crying:

Therefore everybody will be saved because otherwise there would be no perfect happiness for everyone in Heaven and Heaven is all about perfect happiness, right?.:dancing:

What do you think of that?


I think you’re being silly.

The person who told you that was either confused or evil. In heaven we will not miss the damned because we will perceive God’s mercy and justice, and know that those who lost their souls did so, ultimately, through their own choice.
I think you’re being silly.

The person who told you that was either confused or evil. In heaven we will not miss the damned because we will perceive God’s mercy and justice, and know that those who lost their souls did so, ultimately, through their own choice.
I agree with you, except I thought the whole thing was supposed to have been silly, so the person who told her might also have been being silly.

Perhaps, that person you are looking for in heaven is in Purgatory with the hope for heaven. So pray for them! There is no sadness in heaven according to Jesus…but I know that Jesus wept for his friend Lazarus when he died. So I think if you have a concern…know that God has mercy on those who love Him. He knows what is best! Pray and Pray some more
The happiness in heaven is promised to be complete and hell is not promised to be empty but rather expected to be somewhat full.

This leads us to the conclusion that complete happiness is possible with the knowledge of loved ones being in hell.

Still, is it perfect happiness to know that you’re being happy while your loved ones are suffering, even of their own choice and for their own guilts? Maybe perfect happiness doesn’t preclude suffering? But the existence of suffering in heaven is a daring concept, if not totally unmerited. After all, doesn’t our Lord suffer when a soul goes to hell? I suppose He suffers even more than the soul that goes to hell. And He has to carry on, without becoming bitter or desperate.

Another question is, is someone who truly loved, with a self-giving love, anyone on this earth, going to hell? Will not the love towards the loved ones on this earth have been love towards God Himself, if what we have done to the little ones we have done to Him?
…can you be sad in heaven? In the place of perfect happiness, and no more tears, can you be sad, or will you just understand the big picture?

good question:thumbsup:
Someone told me if you go to Heaven 🙂 and a person you love very much goes to Hell :mad: then you will not be perfectly happy in Heaven because you would miss that person and feel sad that he or she went to Hell. :crying:

Therefore everybody will be saved because otherwise there would be no perfect happiness for everyone in Heaven and Heaven is all about perfect happiness, right?.:dancing:

What do you think of that?


I think you are RIGHT!

You might read my posts on this thread:


In Catholic Answers library there is an excellent article on the subject of Hell that begins as follows:

**The Hell There Is!

“The doctrine of hell is so frightening that numerous heretical sects end up denying the reality of an eternal hell. The Unitarian-Universalists, the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Christadelphians, the Christian Scientists, the Religious Scientists, the New Agers, and the Mormons—all have rejected or modified the doctrine of hell so radically that it is no longer a serious threat. In recent decades, this decay has even invaded mainstream Evangelicalism, and a number of major Evangelical figures have advocated the view that there is no eternal hell—the wicked will simply be annihilated…”**

**If you are really interested I suggest you read the article in its entirety. Its an easy read and can be found at: catholic.com/library/Hell_There_Is.asp

Love & peace in Christ,


If I remember correctly, I think I was told that are remembrance of past suffering will be dissolved in heaven.

It makes sense to me, if God is Love, His love will consume you so much that you do not need your former love. Let’s face it, all forms of love in our world are imperfect, and if Christ said that we will not be given in marriage (which is, I would argue, aside from religious life, the most perfect form of love we can have in this life, if all things work properly) in heaven, then I would assume that we won’t be saddened by the loss of a loved one.

I think maybe we are thinking too temporally in saying that we would miss our loved ones. God is the source of Love, God is Love, hence, His love will make up whatever loss we have, since He was the source in the first place.

I can’t remember where I read this, maybe CS Lewis, but he was writing about purgatory, and even those in the most need of purgation, and who would suffer most in purgatory were like, “hey, man, what a good deal.” They had to suffer the most, but because they got to spend eternity with God, they were all for it, and excited. I think that’s kind of what heaven will be like. When encompassed by true love, we will forget all past suffering, including the loss of loved ones, since they cannot be considered “loved ones” if they purposely ignore God’s love, who is Love.
**The Rich Man and Lazarus (a parable from Jesus) Luke16:19-31:19 12 "There was a rich man 13 who dressed in purple garments and fine linen and dined sumptuously each day. 20 And lying at his door was a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who would gladly have eaten his fill of the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Dogs even used to come and lick his sores. 22 When the poor man died, he was carried away by angels to the bosom of Abraham. The rich man also died and was buried, 23 and from the netherworld, 14 where he was in torment, he raised his eyes and saw Abraham far off and Lazarus at his side. 24 And he cried out, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me. Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am suffering torment in these flames.’ 25 Abraham replied, 'My child, remember that you received what was good during your lifetime while Lazarus likewise received what was bad; but now he is comforted here, whereas you are tormented. 26 Moreover, between us and you a great chasm is established to prevent anyone from crossing who might wish to go from our side to yours or from your side to ours.’ **27 He said, ‘Then I beg you, father, send him to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers, so that he may warn them, lest they too come to this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham replied, ‘They have Moses and the prophets. Let them listen to them.’ 30 15 He said, ‘Oh no, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 Then Abraham said, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded if someone should rise from the dead.’"
OK! There you have it…Jesus’ answer to your question!

Love & peace in Christ,
I have been told that in Heaven, you will be aware that your loved one is not there, however there is no sorrow because EVERYTHING is centered on God.
God overpowers everything…the loved one is in Hell by their own doing. God’s love shines through you infinately more than the sorrow of your loss, therefore, there is no sorrow.
Someone told me if you go to Heaven 🙂 and a person you love very much goes to Hell :mad: then you will not be perfectly happy in Heaven because you would miss that person and feel sad that he or she went to Hell. :crying:

Therefore everybody will be saved because otherwise there would be no perfect happiness for everyone in Heaven and Heaven is all about perfect happiness, right?.:dancing:

What do you think of that?



**If **any one is damned, it will be by their own fault. If anyone is in Heaven, that person’s will is entirely in agreement with the Will of God, so that he freely and lovingly desires nothing that God does not will; because all the Blessed in Heaven are perfectly united with Christ. Christ Willed only and everything His Father Willed - and those who are united to Him wills all and only What the Father Wills, and praise God for His righteous judgements: as we see in the Book of Revelation.​

Heaven is not about perfect happiness - it is about God, Who is the One Who alone can make us truly happy. Every happiness we have, is a reminder that our full happiness cannot be found on earth, but only in God, Who has designed all men with a hunger and thirst for Him which cannot be satisfied by anything less than the Beatific Vision - that is, the Face-to-face vision of God. Then, and only then, we shall be completely fulfilled.

I think C. S.Lewis got it right: I very much doubt that what is in Hell (if anything human is) could be accurately referred to as a person: because sin dehumanises us, and leads to the disintegration of personality. So IMHO the damned are more likely to be ashes of personality, remains, ex-men. The real people, the ones who have been completely put back together again & rehumanised in accordance with their Divine Model, Christ, are in Heaven - not in Hell. ##
(says the girl who has to DRAG herself to the confessional!)
LOL same here, confession gives me the creeps 😦 I don’t wanna go… :crying:

Do u need to go to confession to get your sins forgiven or could you just pray to god and apologise?

Do u need to go to confession to get your sins forgiven or could you just pray to god and apologise?
Christ gave the power to confess sins to his Apostles and that has been passed down to the clergy through the Successor to the Chair of Peter, the Bishop of Rome.
The mere presence and acceptance of the Holy Eucharist is able to forgive venial sins weighing a person down.
A Priest is acted through by the Holy Spirit to forgive sins, both venial and mortal. It would be best to go to Confession with a Priest so that you may be absolved of such sins.

I was discussing this with my friend, so here is the response he gave:
“Christ intended for us to be one church. And we strengthen our relationships with our church by confessing to our clergy. I don’t think that it necessarily matters that we are absolved; I just think that Christ was one smart cookie when he gave the power to confess sins to his Apostles. It allows us to be closer as a Christian community. In thusness, we can be better fishers of men.”
Confession might seem “scary” and “creepy” but it is a great gift and tool we should use. You not only ask for forgiveness for your sins, but at times you recieve valuable advice from the priest.

The thing i could see someone trying to sidestep it for is because of Shame for commiting the sins… It also seems to be a bit of humility… If you were able to commit the sins, I suppose you should be able to say them out loud at least once right?
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