I wonder and I’m concerned that, as the Americas become more morally degraded, that this vacuum will allow for radical religious groups to enter and make itself a home here. Should we fear. Yes, so we need to be very vigilant and concerned today, and not wait till it becomes too late.
The problem in Western Europe is that
de facto sharia law already exists in many cities. As the Muslim population grows, the radicals will most likely begin to demand separate city-states for their own.
As far as the USA goes, well, Muslims actually are better off than the average person, and such prosperity sometimes blunts radicalism. But the concern in America should be having a lot of these folks on welfare as well as terror recruiting to fight in Somalia.
The moral decay is going to bring about other problem such as social security and other financial, entitlement insolvency concerns before anything else. But as a general rule, social conservatives are the ones having kids, namely very conservative Catholics, Mormons and Muslims.
Liberal secularists love to hold demographics over the heads of the GOP due to Hispanics and single women, but in reality the pro-abortion, radical feminist, pay-for-my-contraception, gay “marriage” crowd won’t be able to sustain itself.
Also, if Hispanics become more liberal, their birth rates will drop and liberal economic policies in places like CA is driving them away.
Otherwise, if not for all their power in the media and education system to get after other people’s kids, they’d be in rough shape and with their PC attitude wouldn’t stand a chance against an Islamist incursion. In fact, many of them would probably JOIN it.
Canada I suppose is more like Europe in some ways. Their birthrate is too low as well, but they are more fiscally conservative than the USA.
Certainly, Islam will continue to grow in influence. Russia and China will as well. Americans are having a hard time breaking away from Democrats and about 40-45% of the country is basically standing in line to cornonate Hilary despite her SOS track record.
So that alone tells us a lot about this country.