But at this time when, by the advice of Our Venerable Brethren the Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, We have proclaimed and called together an Ecumenical Synod to be celebrated next year in Rome and to be begun on the eighth of December sacred to the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary Mother of God, We again direct Our voice to you, and with the greatest possible earnestness beseech, admonish, and pressingly exhort you that you would come to the same general Synod, as your ancestors came to the Second Council of Lyons held by Our Predecessor Blessed Gregory X. of venerable memory, and to the Council of Florence held by Eugenius IV of happy memory also Our Predecessor; in order that the conditions of former love being renewed, and the peace of our Fathers—that heavenly and healthful gift of Christ which has withered by lapse of time—having been once more revoked to vigour, after the long-continued cloud of grief and black and deplorable night of long-continued dissension, the light of desired union may shine upon all.