Will South Africa officially become a "failed state"?

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I can’t see anything in this article that reflects Catholic teaching. Why have you posted it?
For that statement to make sense you would need to define ‘socialism’ and the definition of it used in the various Church statements. I see nothing in the article that points to thinks in South Africa’s economic management that is in breach of anything I have seen about the Church’s attitude to ‘socialism’. I certainly see nothin in Church teaching that would lead anyone to support the laissez-faire capitalism promoted by the article. This is specifically condemned by the Church.
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I certainly see nothin in Church teaching that would lead anyone to support the laissez-faire capitalism promoted by the article. This is specifically condemned by the Church.
Well, FiveLinden, capitalism is not intrinsically evil. Ever hear of the Acton Institute? Father Robert Sirico, a Catholic priest, co-founded it in 1990. Father Sirico has appeared on the EWTN program The World Over numerous times.
Well, Salibi, the kind of socialism that usurps the right to private property is intrinsically evil.
Mind you, the reason why the SA gov’t is undertaking land expropriation/redistribution/seizures (whatever term) is due to the Natives Land Act 1913. It “usurp[ed] the right to private property” for black South Africans by prohibiting their acquisition of land in any area designated as “white land”, which in 1913 encompassed ~90% of the country. This legislation was repealed only in 1991.
Well, Salibi, the kind of socialism that usurps the right to private property is intrinsically evil
Is anyone at all in the South African government suggesting that private property be done away with?
Ever hear of the Acton Institute? Father Robert Sirico, a Catholic priest, co-founded it in 1990. Father Sirico has appeared on the EWTN program The World Over numerous times.
Yes indeed. What has that to do with Catholic social teaching?
The danger there can be in daltonic judgement, sectarian intolerances, unbalanced extremes.
Instead of anger and desires to revenge to the whites, there should be more logics, balance in judgement and weighing the means and goals.
Otherwise, the history with socialism experiments can repeat itself, I mean- starvation, wars, genocides, more poverty.
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Very interesting article. I didn’t realise that the backstory to SAs steady collapse was the infiltration of communism, which, curiously, was tied to the end of apartheid when, after 1989, the SA government was confident that communism was on a worldwide decline.

After reading that I would say the future for SA looks bleak indeed. The many whites who left straight after the end of apartheid made the right decision.

And shame on countries like Australia who have now closed their doors to white refugees.
And shame on countries like Australia who have now closed their doors to white refugees.
Really, Edmundus1581?
It came up about a year ago, when it was in the news that white SA farmers were being physically attacked, murdered and forced to abandon there farms, without compensation. Some people here argued they should be counted as “refugees” deserving entry on account of persecution, but this was viciously shouted down as “racist” and was abandoned.

So, white South Africans can’t get entry as 'refugees", even though they are, which means they have to take a place for the very few places available for normal migrants, effectively “closing the door” to them, especially as they are now nothing more than poor, unemployed farmers with no assetts.

A similar thing happened previously with Christian refugees from ISIS. When our then Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, wanted to grant special refugee places to them he was denounced by the left for favouring Christianity, despite the fact that he had previously granted special refugee status to Yahzidi victims who, about a year early, had been the targets of ISIS, and this had been done with no protest. I can’t recall how it turned out, but I think he backed down to the pressure. Not sure.
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I find the thread title puzzling. Firstly how.does a country “officially” become a “failed state”? Is there some sort of UN agency or something that goes around formally applying that label to various countries?

And if so, what are the criteria by which they are judged to have “failed”? Last I saw, South Africa is still very much a country. Hasn’t been annexed by its neighbours, hasnt had.its government disbanded by a military coup or anything else.that would really conjure a picture in my mind of a ‘failed’ country.
What’s happening in South Africa is a shame. A complete collapse in society. Hopefully they can figure out how to address it.
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