Will the World-to-Come have a meaningful purpose that goes beyond mere hedonism?

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According to Chabad (a Jewish sect), God wants a dwelling place here in the lowest of the worlds. Moreover, Chabad teaches that God will reveal His Light much more to those inhabiting this lowly world in the Hereafter than what are now the higher worlds.
Certainly we must consider that ‘community’ opens the door for moving beyond mere hedonism. The care for the growth and happiness of others is really the foundation for ever growing beyond our smaller selves.
When most people speak of Heaven, I think most think about eternal bliss and happiness, which amounts to hedonism. Has anybody in Christianity taken up this issue?
When most people speak of Heaven, I think most think about eternal bliss and happiness, which amounts to hedonism. Has anybody in Christianity taken up this issue?
The Church teaches that Heaven is a state of union with God, knowing Him, and “seeing Him face to face.” Moreover, we will enter into the inner Communion of the Trinitarian Family. What defines the Trinitarian relationship? Eternal, infinite self-giving in love.

Hedonism is selfish in practice. It’s all about me, and seeking whatever pleasure I desire. That’s the opposite of the Heavenly state of eternal selflessness. The “bliss” of Heaven is being able to freely give yourself fully to God and to each other, without reservation. This is an entirely different vision than a hedonistic one.

As to the question posed in the thread title, the meaningful purpose in Heaven will be the same as it has always been on Earth, according to the Church: to love God with your whole being, unreservedly.
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