the parish office is closed, just like Sunday, but I will be working, just like Sunday. Youth choir is singing for evening Mass, have things to do to prepare for that (reconfiguring chairs and sound system for one thing), CCD replaced by Mass followed by Holy Hour (teens leave at 8:30, but Adoration until Midnight as part of National night of prayer for life) so I will be in church from about 6 pm to midnight. I hardly consider that work, but if I were not employed by the parish I would only be there for Mass and an hour or so after, I guess. Have 3 CCD Advent retreats this weekend, plus NS Guadalupe las mananitas before early Mass Sunday, tamale breakfast, & RCIA, need tomorrow to get ready for all of that. School is in session, kids have Mass at 8:15 am in place of their usual Friday Mass, so I will be there for that, too.
I have a real problem separating work from worship, and often attend Mass at a neighboring parish where I am not “on” so it feels like Church, not work. If others deal with this (I am sure priests and deacons have this as an occupational hazard) I would like to hear how you cope.