Will you be working on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception?

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Tomorrow (December 8, 2004) is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Just like on a Sunday, Roman Catholics in the United States are required to avoid unnecessary labor. Will you be going to work?
I always forget to answer my own poll questions.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do yet. On one hand, I want to be a faithful Catholic, and take the day off.

On the other hand, I am financially nervious. I’m an independant contractor, so I get paid by the hour. My spouse lost her incredibly well paying job about a year ago and we’re only just starting to recover. Things are excessively tight, and bill collectors continue to call, though.

Back to the first hand, I feel that if I do let those concerns keep me from working then I am worshiping money over God. Definately not something I want to do.

It’s not always easy to be faithful, especially when it’s on an issue that most other catholics seem to ignore.

I guess I’ll know tomorrow.
My work doesn’t involve “unnecessary labor” so I’ll be at my job tomorrow.
I am using a personal day… but, I am going on a field trip with my daughter to Olevera street in LA… They are having a celebration down there though.
Dr. Colossus:
My work doesn’t involve “unnecessary labor” so I’ll be at my job tomorrow.

And I’ll still make Mass in the morning.

– Mark L. Chance.
I’m on maternity leave from a Catholic employer, so technically I would have the day off no matter what.
But I still may end up doing some very necessary labor, as in the “Labor & Delivery” type, if our child decides s/he is ready to be born! We’ll go to the early morning Mass, just to be safe…
Yes, I am planning to work on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. I am also planning to attend Mass.

Then again, if Mary appears to me and speaks to me personally about this on a piece of toast which was purchased on e-bay, then, maybe, just maybe, I will reconsider. 😛
I will be attending a wonderful, full celebration of the feast in my (progressive) parish with music and choir as is proper for such a day. I will attend a lovely concert of music in honor of the Blessed Mother some students are putting on and I will make my family a fantastic holiday dinner including a bottle of wine.

And then I will write a letter to my Senator telling him that the Biush Administration is all wrong in taking away people’s overtime pay. People deserve rest and holidays and employer should have to offer premiu pay if they are going to make people overwork and be away from their families.
I was supposed to be working from home tomorrow, but I just found out I have to go downtown. I’ll still attend the evening Mass at my parish, though.

I have to work…and I didn’t know you weren’t suppose to. After Mass, what are you suppose to do for the rest of the day? I’m a new Catholic, and I’m not sure.
After Mass, what are you suppose to do for the rest of the day?
What do you do on Sundays? The same rules apply.
My work is mom to two boys, one who is new to our home and family and is four and half years old.

I will attend Mass and I won’t be able to ask the boys to fend for themselves. 😃
Business as usual here in Canada since it’s not a holy day of obligation.

If it were and I was working I would try to save flextime or a vacation day and take the day off.
the parish office is closed, just like Sunday, but I will be working, just like Sunday. Youth choir is singing for evening Mass, have things to do to prepare for that (reconfiguring chairs and sound system for one thing), CCD replaced by Mass followed by Holy Hour (teens leave at 8:30, but Adoration until Midnight as part of National night of prayer for life) so I will be in church from about 6 pm to midnight. I hardly consider that work, but if I were not employed by the parish I would only be there for Mass and an hour or so after, I guess. Have 3 CCD Advent retreats this weekend, plus NS Guadalupe las mananitas before early Mass Sunday, tamale breakfast, & RCIA, need tomorrow to get ready for all of that. School is in session, kids have Mass at 8:15 am in place of their usual Friday Mass, so I will be there for that, too.

I have a real problem separating work from worship, and often attend Mass at a neighboring parish where I am not “on” so it feels like Church, not work. If others deal with this (I am sure priests and deacons have this as an occupational hazard) I would like to hear how you cope.
since the kids still need to eat, be driven to religious ed, be picked up after, have clean clothes, do their homework…yes, I will be working.
I’m taking a vacation day rather than a personal day, but I am taking the day off.
So is not observing this day akin to missing Mass? I have been in surgery since 7am this morning and missed both of the Masses in the hospital chapel.
So is not observing this day akin to missing Mass? I have been in surgery since 7am this morning and missed both of the Masses in the hospital chapel.
Yes, Mass is obligatory for Catholics today. However, for grave reason a Catholic may in good conscience miss Mass. Medical reasons (sickness or emergency) are considered grave enough reason.
Ultimately, I missed Mass – our son, Malachi, just joined us about three weeks ago. He is four and a half and has a lot of anger from the abuse he has endured. He was in rare form last night and today. I could not even drive my older son to school or use a phone since I had to pin him to the floor to stop his violence against the rest of us. I did pray the entire Rosary – although, I had to stop here and there.

I consider my reason grave and my commitment to Malachi to be spiritually significant to him and spiritual warfare for me.

On a positive note, the previous foster home – two dads – were starting a court battle for his removal to our home and they withdrew their case today. I haven’t talked much about the case and tried to not talk anywhere near Malachi. So, I don’t know if he was aware of the case or what.

At least the boys have gotten over themselves and perhaps the change of heart I was praying for was succesfull.
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