I want to first apologize if this post is not in the correct forum.
My situation is thus:
My situation is thus:
- My wife and I, both baptized, have been once previously married. She and I divorced at the same time. My former spouse was never baptized; her spouse was. None of us were/are Catholic. My first marriage ended due to infidelity on my then wife’s part. My wife’s first marriage ended due to abuse from her then husband,
- I wish to become Catholic; my wife does not. She will not even consider it (I mentioned converting to her and she replied that if I do, she will become Jewish. That may seem odd but you have to know her to understand). I hope that if I convert she will witness what the Church is about and have a have a change of heart.
- I have one son (15-years-old and baptized) from my prior marriage; my current wife has no children.
- Do we both need annulments *before *I can begin RCIA?
- Is it OK that she does not plan on becoming Catholic?
- How do you find a church that is right for you? I’m very much a traditionalist.
- What to do if my current wife will not convalidate our marriage? She is somewhat hostile towards the Church although she respects many aspects of it (she abhors the perceived patriarchal structure).