Witnessing to Mormons?

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Hi everyone. What is the best way to go about witnessing to a Mormon or Mormons? 🤷:confused:
First, you gotta be charitable, because these people honestly believe what they believe.
Second, you gotta know Church history, because they will bring up the “great apostosy”.
Third, you gotta know what the Church believes, because they will question the Faith.
Fourth, you gotta know what Mormons believes, so you can understand and correct them.
Hi everyone. What is the best way to go about witnessing to a Mormon or Mormons? 🤷:confused:
???Holly, you are talking like a Catholic, yet you say you are Mormon? I am honestly confused??? I don’t. I stay away from them as much as possible, unless they come to me wanting to know. That is just my preference, based on the way I was raised, around Mormons, and what I experienced, to the point of PTSD.
Actually, I believe Catholics have been witnessing to you all along. You just didn’t realize it. May God be with you on your journey.
???Holly, you are talking like a Catholic, yet you say you are Mormon? I am honestly confused??? I don’t. I stay away from them as much as possible, unless they come to me wanting to know. That is just my preference, based on the way I was raised, around Mormons, and what I experienced, to the point of PTSD.
I have been tempted to go back and forth between Mormonism and Catholicism. I fell a couple of times. I am now back to being Catholic.
Actually, I believe Catholics have been witnessing to you all along. You just didn’t realize it. May God be with you on your journey.
What? 🤷:confused:
As your Faith seems to be easily shaken, you would be best advised to pray and work on your own foundation. Leave the witnessing to Mormons to those who are deeper rooted in the Faith.
As your Faith seems to be easily shaken, you would be best advised to pray and work on your own foundation. Leave the witnessing to Mormons to those who are deeper rooted in the Faith.
Ok, I’ll do that Kage_Ar. Are there any good links I can refer him to though to help him consider the Catholic faith? 🤷:confused:
I have been trying to counter Mormon claims on Youtube for some time without any success as far as I am aware. The claims Joseph Smith and of the Book of Mormon are thoroughly undermined as a result of DNA, anthropology, linguistics, New World archaeology and othe sciences and this has resulted in many people leaving the LDS but this seems to be usually a result of the individual’s own research or the disclosure of evidence by a spouse or close family member. Ex-LDS members warn that persuading members that the LDS is wrong is no easy matter and that all we can hope to do is to plant a seed or two. There is (among many others) one very fundamental theological objection to the LDS in my view - that is that Joseph claimed to have seen God the Father in person, no genuine prophet has ever claimed such a thing. Please take a look at my blog **http:/mormonproblems.blogspot.com **for many other problems for the LDS to explain. (Don’t expect them not to try though, they are mental gymnasts of extraordinary style!)
This is my draft response (not yet sent) to an email from a Mormon friend who sends me lots of emails, some on the Mormon faith, but mostly miscellaneous nice things from the web.
The email to which I respond here is a book review. The book is a fictionalized account of a Mormon mother whose son died and she believes he has become her guardian angel.
In your opinion, does my response seem charitable? Does it seem like an appropriate response?

This article and this book show a misunderstanding of the relationship between those of us humans on earth and those who have passed on. First of all, humans never become angels. We may become “like angels,” as Jesus says, in that we no longer “marry nor are given in marriage” after death. But the resurrection of the body is an essential Christian doctrine. Angels have no body to die or to be resurrected. They are pure spirit beings. Unlike angels, men have two natures: bodily and spiritual. In eternity, we will still have two natures. On the Last Day, our bodies will be reunited with our spiritual souls. This is the last judgement, when Jesus will come again: for the redeemed, to eternal life, and those who reject Him, to eternal damnation (“wailing and gnashing of teeth,” as Jesus describes it).

Angels never had bodies, and they never will. They do have a will, however, and they have chosen either for or against God. So we call them either angels or demons as a result of their choice. Because they have a more perfect intellect than ours, they know from the beginning of their creation all the consequences of their choice. It seems impossible that they would choose such a painful choice, but unlike men, they know what they are doing when they make that choice at their beginning. Those who have chosen to hate God also hate His beloved creatures on earth, especially humans, and most especially the Blessed Virgin Mary. God created her especially perfectly in order that God Himself, the uncreated creator of the universe, the ground and source of all being, who is infinite power, infinite love, infinite wisdom and infinite humility, the second Person of the one and only God, the Most Holy Trinity would have a perfectly loving and willing heart open to His coming into the world in a created, human body and soul.

So the eternal, purely spiritual, uncreated God came to live in a created body in order to be united with His beloved creatures and to make satisfaction for the sins against His almighty person by uniting His created humanity with His uncreated divinity by His life, death and resurrection. Nothing finite man can do on his own initiative and power can make restitution for our sins against our infinite and infinitely loving Creator. But in His infinite goodness and love, He has made that restitution for us.

There are not multiple gods, as Mormonism teaches. There is only one God. And He is infinite and He is love. He loves you and He loves your family. And He wants you and all Mormons and all people to be more closely united with Him. But He warns us in His Word that false prophets will come to deceive the faithful. False prophets have come claiming to speak for God. but instead they speak for demons who are vastly smarter than human beings and so often fool us into thinking they are friendly spirits of our deceased friends and relatives, or even of God Himself.

Beware. The Bible says the pillar and bulwark of the truth is the Church (1 Timothy 3:15). Which Church is the Bible referring to? It could only be the Catholic Church because that is the only Church founded by Jesus Christ Himself, and He promised that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The men who founded the other so-called “churches” were, at best, calling Jesus a liar, and at worst, misguided by demons.

You and I both know that Jesus does not lie. He died for you and for your family. Jesus is pleased that you seek Him and seek to love Him and teach your family to love Him. But He wants to give Himself more fully to you and to your family. Read John 6: the whole chapter. Jesus wants to give you eternal life. If you have more questions about that, you can respond to me, or you can go to Catholic.com, a web site started and manned by Catholic laymen. Jesus is calling you. Like Mary, answer, “Yes.”

May God bless you and your family.

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