Women...gauging interests in my product

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Women out there…would you be interested enough to purchase a catholic-based (themed) fragrance that was natural (with as little added chemicals as possible) and fairly inexpensive? (Price has not yet been added)
I’m looking for how many people would be interested in this to see if I have a market to sell.
I plan on selling on the internet via a website (yet to be created).
Would you purchase fragrances from a website?

what do you mean by catholic-themed?
thanks. good luck w/ your product!
I’m thinking, each fragrance will have the name of a saint. Right now, it will only be women unless there is need to expand. I’m doing research into certain saints lives to see what kind of notes etc. would fit with thier lives ex. therese of liseux would have roses or flowers in it. I’m also thinking that my website will have links to catholic resources and catholic information. I may also include prayer cards or medals in the purchase of whatever saint. Hope that cleared it up…but this is just a plan so far.
I’m more inclined to purchase a fragrance that I can try on first. Everyone’s body chemistry is so different that even the same fragrance is different on everyone - lovely on some, awful on others. I would only buy a familiar fragrance on the 'net.

But I do love your Catholic theme idea.

True…betsy…I’m trying to figure out a way that I can send samples to those who request…if that was possible, would you then consider it?
True…betsy…I’m trying to figure out a way that I can send samples to those who request…if that was possible, would you then consider it?
Yes - I’ll smell anything you send me! 😉

Product concepts for the Heavens to Betsy Fragrance Factory

Liseux - rose floral
Christy - Frankincense, myrhh, with apple and cinnamon for the holiday season
Muguet de Maria - lily of the valley evokes Maytime
Paschal Patchouli - blend of incense, beeswax, lilies, boiled eggs, chocolate and holy water
Eau d’ecole parroquia - turpentine, floorwax, school glue and chalkdust, old crayons, and musky undernote of unwashed 6th graders
Agnes - lanolin from lambswool with light floral and citrus notes
Guadalupana - rich floral blend with jalepeno and orange accent

did not vote on the poll because I do not understand the technology that will allow me to smell a fragrance over the internet
Well, it doesn’t matter…I’ve decided against the idea as lack of interest from many sources, other than this poll, as well as the huge time and financial demand that I just don’t have.

Thanks for participating as your comments were not made in vain!!
raphaela vbmenu_register(“postmenu_134205”, true);

I wear essential oils, as most perfumes cause my allergies to act up.
With all due respect, I find the idea of naming perfumes after saints just a bit offensive. All the saints ( all that I can think of , anyway)committed themselves to detachment from such things and would consider it a form of vanity.

If you should reconsider this venture sometime in the future, and still want to employ a “Catholic Theme” try to come up with another idea.

Pax et Bonum!
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