You can usually tell if a guy is going to be lazy and not work well before you get marry. I dated a man for 6 months and found out pretty fast that he expected me to pay for myself (that was fine) and pretty soon, pay for him also. In six months alone I watched him go through three jobs and he was talking marriage to me, I was like, um, no, I don’t think so. I know my aunt married a man who was lazy by nature but she thought ( I can change him) well, 25 years of marriage and so many jobs that she stopped counting and she could not change him and he was cheating on her like crazy while she supported the family, she divorced him (she is not Catholic) she has never looked back, they have two grown sons together, she is not bitter she is better. She said that she new he had these problems before she married him so she was just as much to blame. When I met my husband one of the first things I was looking for was (is he hard working) well, yes, he was and that was so important to me that I let that be my number one reason for marrying him. Almost 12 years and four kids later, my husband is very, very hard working, he is so hard working that he works all the time and takes every last bit of over time he can get, he is so caught up in work and making money that our kids hardly see him anymore and I feel like I’m a single parent half the time, well, most of the time. But, I new what I was getting when I married him and I just pray for him each and every day that he will slow down and enjoy life more. There are alot of things that can drive me nuts about my husband, his works too much and he doesn’t take care of himself and eat healthy and that drives me crazy as dibetes and high blood pressure run rampant in his family, but I have got to give it over to God because lecturing him does not help at all. I suggest to anyone who feels that their husband is lazy or this or that, take it to the Lord, offer up your husband, offer him up everytime the thing that bothers you starts bugging you, instead of dwelling on it, right away pray about it and hand him over to God, yes, it might not happen over night but you will see changes, I’m very slowly seeing little changes in my husband. If it really is so bad then go see a Catholic therapist and get some help, I just don’t think its fair to bash men or anyone when they can’t come on here and voice their opinions, I don’t want to say this and this about my husband and he doesn’t even get a chance to stand up for himself. Again, Pray, Pray, Pray and hand it over to God, he is listening.