Women who have abortions again and again

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from www.drudgereport.com



A dramatic rise in repeat abortions has reinforced fears that women are increasingly having terminations for lifestyle reasons.

One in three abortions is now carried out on women who have had at least one before. London’s DAILY MAIL reports on Monday.


Figures from the British Pregnancy Advisory Service suggest that women who become pregnant at university or at the start of their careers see abortion as a means of delaying motherhood.

Women between 20 and 24 have taken over from teenagers as the largest age group to have terminations-while only one in 100 abortions is carried out solely because of a medical risk to the baby.

It was revealed that one woman from London had six abortions in just 12 months!


Campaigners warned that the emotional and physical risks of abortion were being ‘swept under the carpet’. The procedure can make it more difficult for women to ever start a family and many later suffer depression.

Researchers said the trend could be reversed if more support was available for mothers trying to juggle careers and families.

The new figures from the BPAS, Britain’s leading abortion provider, reveal that 181,582 terminations were carried out in England and Wales in 2003, a 3.2 per cent increase on the previous year and a 15 per cent rise since 1993.

Among these some 57,241 - 32 per cent - were on women who had already undergone a termination at least once. This is almost a third higher than the 1993 figure.

Developing… ******
I read an article a couple months ago that said the same thing, multiple abortions are the fastest growing category. As someone who used to be ‘pro choice’ one of the things that made me change my mind was a woman who used to be my manicurist literally blow off the fact she’d had five abortions in just a few years. She went through the ‘just a blob of tissue’ argument with me. It made my skin crawl and that was my last manicure! If people are not educated that they are killing human beings,what’s another abortion to them but a minor inconvenience, paid by socialized medicine or insurance
Lisa N
That is so sad! When will women realize that abortions can make them infertile, and they can give them breast cancer? Also, some abortions kill the woman and the baby.

My father-in-law emailed this to me: afterabortion.info/PAR/V8/n2/finland.html

lifedynamics.com/ scroll down and click on “Women Killed By Abortion” on the left

my Mother my Confidence,
The saddest thing about repeat abortions is that many women get stuck in patterns of replacement pregnancies, to replace that which was lost. Then, realizing they still have what ever problems they had which lead to the first abortion, they have a second, or third.

Another result of abortion is increasing substance abuse, drugs or alcohol, and sexual promiscuity. Any of which can lead to repeat pregnancies and repeat abortions. Changes in personalities can be devastating. Hardening of heart in self defense, so to speak. An increase in the number of abortions, leads to an increased likelihood of physical and psychological problems.

So really, its not so much that the carelessness in actions (promiscuity, irregular use of birth control etc) leads to repeat abortions, as the repeat abortions lead to carelessness in action. The same reenactment of trauma you see in other PTSD cases.

Sometimes the first abortion is done reluctantly (medical advice-even for something as remote as medicine they were on at the time of conception, pressure by the father or others) in which case the trauma of the abortion can be even more, which ironically can increase the likelihood of future destructive behavior and future abortions.

A woman who casually states she’s had 5 abortions is likely extremely disfunctional in her life. The taking of an innocent life changes one forever. Society recognizes the mental illness of a woman who drowns her 5 children. But society applauds the choice of the woman who has had 5 abortions, so society has boxed itself into a corner with this.

Even abortion clinic workers are uncomfortable with patterns of repeat abortions. How many are too many? If you are okay with one abortion, then you must use something to rationalize it, and that very argument must support exercising that same choice multiple times.

Theresa Burke uses the following example in her book Forbidden Grief
There is something quite troubling about “medical care” which responds to the patient without any questioning of the deeper things that may be going on within her. In modern medical practice, patients expect a health care professional to treat the whole person. FOr example, rather than simply continuing to perform repeated angioplasties on an obese patient suffering from heart disease, a doctor would recommend lifestyle changes to lessen the need for invasive medical procedures. But among abortion providers, a mindless submission to the mantra of ‘choice’ has eviscerated any sense of obligation to ensure that abortion will actually help women rather than hurt them.
Let’s face it - the pro-abort mentality sells women extremely short. Those who promote it should really hang their heads in shame. The suggestion that it promotes women’s rights is as false as it is ridiculous.
I knew a woman who had SEVEN. I tried to convince her not to have the seventh(Hey, I didn’t know about any of the other ones before). She did anyway. She left work shortly afterward in an ambulance, doubled over. Seems PP left parts of the baby in her.
I knew a woman who had SEVEN. I tried to convince her not to have the seventh(Hey, I didn’t know about any of the other ones before). She did anyway. She left work shortly afterward in an ambulance, doubled over. Seems PP left parts of the baby in her.
:eek: :eek: :eek: Horrible:eek:
I had a friend that had a baby when we were 15. She is now 23 and has had 3 abortions since then. The last one, she said she was going to keep and bought a new crib and everything…then had a fight with her boyfriend and decided she didn’t want to keep her child. I was horrified at that. I congratulated her and everything when I saw her right after she found out, she told me about looking for a bigger place & everything, I was so happy that she had decided to keep this child and I thought maybe she was beginning to grow up. I just couldn’t understand how you could tell everyone that you were having a child, buy stuff for it, make plans and then on a whim (she was about 3 months along) decide to kill the baby. It’s disgusting. Oh yeah…she married this boyfriend that she had a fight with, too, a few months later.

It’s awful, but I can’t really bring myself to hang out with her and be friendly after that. It really just was sickening.
I hear now that she has all kinds of health problems, and that she has so much scarring she now may be infertile, or any future pregnancy may be ectopic.
Some people just are so convinced that there is nothing wrong with it (blob of cells and all that) and are so desensitized towards it…it’s so incredibly wrong and sick. :mad:
All abortion has done for women has made them more ‘available’ for pre marital sex. It’s so sad. I don’t understand organizations like NOW, and how they claim to represent women, yet undermine us so much.
All abortion has done for women has made them more ‘available’ for pre marital sex. It’s so sad. I don’t understand organizations like NOW, and how they claim to represent women, yet undermine us so much.
The last one, she said she was going to keep and bought a new crib and everything…then had a fight with her boyfriend and decided she didn’t want to keep her child.
Yes, it’s all about ensuring that women are always available to their boyfriends, without consequences. I don’t see how any of this can be considered a benefit to women.
When these “serial abortioners” start to face consequenses, they’ll convert to pro-life
I really think a great way to destroy the abortion industry would be to hit the abortionists with some huge personal injury lawsuits. Unfortunately, until the wallet is hit, most people will look away. A class action based on the failure to inform the women about the potential physical and psychological effects might do it. What is needed is some solid empirical evidence to back it up.

Does anyone know what the percentage is of women who later regret their abortions, or experience any type of physical or psychological trauma? I imagine they all do, but what is needed is the percentage who are willing to admit to the problem and seek professional help.
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