I have just gotten home from One Bread One Cup at Saint Meinrad. That retreat was so amazing! So now to the question, which came first in the New Testament: word or flesh?
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word became Flesh.
The Flesh had a beginning though.In the beginning was the word, and the word became flesh.
Unless you consider the “eternal now”, which explains the representation (re-presentation) of the sacrifice of the Mass not being merely symbolic.
If we follow that line of thought, there was no first or second, but both simply were (and are).
Only in the realm of time. Time was created by God, for man. God does not live within time, therefore, noting is past, everything is present. Again, without the eternal now, the Mass is all symbolic, and not real.The Flesh had a beginning though.
Sure. Just to know that the Word didn’t have a body before Incarnation is sufficient. The Incarnation doesn’t mean the Word had a beginning.Only in the realm of time. Time was created by God, for man. God does not live within time, therefore, noting is past, everything is present. Again, without the eternal now, the Mass is all symbolic, and not real.
So, to recap: in the artificial constraints of time, the Flesh did have a “beginning”, or frame of reference, but only because of our inability to wrap our heads around the concept of timelessness. To God, there is no need for linearity of time.
Yes, sufficient perhaps, but theologically unnecessary, except to keep things ordered in our minds.Sure. Just to know that the Word didn’t have a body before Incarnation is sufficient. The Incarnation doesn’t mean the Word had a beginning.
We need order in order … to understand some theology. As Genesis had an order, so will my mind. It is better than chaotic.Yes, sufficient perhaps, but theologically unnecessary, except to keep things ordered in our minds.
It truly is an example of what came first, the chicken or the egg.