JCPhoenix what a story, that poor person.
Oh, I have some stories about Titi…but the most significant is that it was she (he) who had to accept us in order for the rest of the group to accept us.
I never condoned her work, but I understood after reading the article Alejandra Fonseca Venegas had written. It was in Spanish and while I was there I translated it to English and edited it for her with her (name removed by moderator)ut…and it was in this time period that Titi was murdered.
I always found it so ironic that she ran away to escape drowning and still died in the same way…at the hands of another who did not recognize her dignity as a child of God.
I have had many gay friends since and I have loved them all. Unfortunately, for awhile I condoned their lifestyle because I didn’t know how to love them and admonish them at the same time.
I was confused like so many others; I believed that in order to show my love for them I had to accept not only them but the actions they took. It isn’t PC to tell someone you disagree with the choices they make in life.
We face a challenge in our society; our secualrist society worships relativism and “tolarance” by their twisted definition and expects us all to abide by their rule. So there are so many that do disagree with what they see going on around them but they are not learning how to tell someone, “I love you AND I disagree with your choices.”
But we are called to love. Read Corinthians 13…"…faith, hope and love…and the greatest of these [gifts of the Holy Spirit] is love."
Sometimes the best we can do is just be there to listen, not to speak. We can live our lives as an example. For myself as a single, that means that I live my faith, I speak of it every opportunity I am given, and I live it out. So I don’t sleep around, I don’t look to “hook up.”, and I try to show them my joy in the Lord, not my frustrations.
((This last is very hard for me because I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve.))