Workplace Ethics?

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**Good Morning,

I am new to this forum and any help is really appreciated. Here’s my conflict: I am a Roman Catholic Democrat and I work for Orthodox Jewish Republicans. Their views and mine are NOT the same; i.e. the other day a co-worker was talking about the current elections and said “If the Democrats win they’ll give money to the poor and ruin the economy” and “we need more war” along with a slew of anti-anything-other-than what they believe in. They also constantly call for the mass murder of Arabs. I am morally conflicted by their statements, however, I am not going to say anything for fear of getting fired. I am currently looking for a new job, but the search is slow going. Are there any suggestions? Any biblical references would also be appreciated.

**Good Morning,

I am new to this forum and any help is really appreciated. Here’s my conflict: I am a Roman Catholic Democrat and I work for Orthodox Jewish Republicans. Their views and mine are NOT the same; i.e. the other day a co-worker was talking about the current elections and said “If the Democrats win they’ll give money to the poor and ruin the economy” and “we need more war” along with a slew of anti-anything-other-than what they believe in. They also constantly call for the mass murder of Arabs. I am morally conflicted by their statements, however, I am not going to say anything for fear of getting fired. I am currently looking for a new job, but the search is slow going. Are there any suggestions? Any biblical references would also be appreciated.

I am not sure what the conflict is. Their statements sound so prejudiced and ignorant that I highly doubt that they would be amenable to any rational discussion. My suggestion, ignore and develop other job options.

BTW – Any conflict over being a Catholic and Democrat? Often the Democratic Party platform is at irreconcilable ends with the essentials of Catholic morality.
I’m not quite sure I have an ethics type answer for you.

I am an independant who works for an extremely conservative family (I’m the only non-family member in the office). All I do is do my job and keep quiet.

I try to remember that all I’m looking for from them is a paycheck, and not life affirmation. 😃

When they talk about the greatness of George W. Bush, I am silent. When the talk about the greatness of Rush Limbaugh, I’m silent. When they talk about how liberals are evil, I’m silent.

Some questions to ask yourself before you switch jobs: Do you like the job? Does it pay well? Does it have good benefits?

In my case, I can answer yes to all those questions, so I ignore the politics. 😛
Good Morning,

I am new to this forum and any help is really appreciated. Here’s my conflict: I am a Roman Catholic Democrat and I work for Orthodox Jewish Republicans. Their views and mine are NOT the same; i.e. the other day a co-worker was talking about the current elections and said “If the Democrats win they’ll give money to the poor and ruin the economy” and “we need more war” along with a slew of anti-anything-other-than what they believe in. They also constantly call for the mass murder of Arabs. I am morally conflicted by their statements, however, I am not going to say anything for fear of getting fired. I am currently looking for a new job, but the search is slow going. Are there any suggestions? Any biblical references would also be appreciated.

**Thanks **
Put ear plugs in at work and then get the heck out of there…find a new job!
Setter -

I don’t really have an issue with being a Catholic Democrat because of the reasons I stated above; the war, helping the poor, homeless etc.
Setter -

I don’t really have an issue with being a Catholic Democrat because of the reasons I stated above; the war, helping the poor, homeless etc.
Thanks. I hope that you stick around these forums to learn more about our shared faith and apologetics.
The views you hear are not typical of Jews, so please do not write or think of it in that manner. You are doing the correct thing look for a different job and be polite as you exit. You may have to exit earlier than desired but most of have been there. Do not confront such people. Anybody spouting extreme hatred has deeper personal issues. Ultimately you will learn who you spend time with and who you separate from our the most important decisions in your life.
Good Morning,

I am new to this forum and any help is really appreciated. Here’s my conflict: I am a Roman Catholic Democrat and I work for Orthodox Jewish Republicans. Their views and mine are NOT the same; i.e. the other day a co-worker was talking about the current elections and said “If the Democrats win they’ll give money to the poor and ruin the economy” and “we need more war” along with a slew of anti-anything-other-than what they believe in. They also constantly call for the mass murder of Arabs. I am morally conflicted by their statements, however, I am not going to say anything for fear of getting fired. I am currently looking for a new job, but the search is slow going. Are there any suggestions? Any biblical references would also be appreciated.

**Thanks **
I work with Orthodox Jews. I never heard anything like this stuff. The people I work with would be ashamed of this kind of talk (not that they’re full of love and charity for Islamic terrorists).
I don’t think your employers views have anything in common with being orthodox, jewish, or republican. They just sound plain bonkers. What they have said in no way reflects the republican party beliefs or those of the orthodox jewish faith.

I would focus more on why you believe you should be a democrat. The democratic party is in favor of: legal abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and homosexual “marriage” and much more, such as being pro-euthanasia. ** All **of these things are in opposition to the Catholic faith.
…I would focus more on why you believe you should be a democrat. The democratic party is in favor of: legal abortion, embryonic stem cell research, and homosexual “marriage” and much more, such as being pro-euthanasia. ** All **of these things are in opposition to the Catholic faith.
Once upon a time the Republican Party stood for individual liberties, and the corresponding small government. The current administration has sum perverted idea that liberty is the non prosecution of individual, rather than the free choices of individuals. I would not say I am democrat but I certainly can not support the current philosophies.
Once upon a time the Republican Party stood for individual liberties, and the corresponding small government. The current administration has sum perverted idea that liberty is the non prosecution of individual, rather than the free choices of individuals. I would not say I am democrat but I certainly can not support the current philosophies.
On the strictly culture of death versus culture of life and protecting and fighting to preserve the primary right to life as the contigency of all other rights, which Party do can you most align with in your philosophy? Also, is the free choice of the individual the primary sanctioned right in your score book? Alas, are there any limits to one’s exercise of free choice when the rights of others are violated?
On the strictly ***culture of death ***versus culture of life and protecting and fighting to preserve the primary right to life as the contigency of all other rights, which Party do can you most align with in your philosophy?
So joining the correct party elevates your responsibilities??? As for me any such allegiance is poppy cock. Would you like to go on record with No Republican has ever had or promoted those issues? How about going on record with Complete Government Control will prevent the loss of life via any man made means???
Also, is the free choice of the individual the primary sanctioned right in your score book? Alas, are there any limits to one’s exercise of free choice when the rights of others are violated?
The subject is called “natural law” which we believe to be derived from the God given “humanity” which for me is the same as “soul”.

***culture of death *** - who used these words?
So joining the correct party elevates your responsibilities??? As for me any such allegiance is poppy cock. Would you like to go on record with No Republican has ever had or promoted those issues? How about going on record with Complete Government Control will prevent the loss of life via any man made means???
Practical reality, we have a two party system in our country. To support candidates from one of these parties is to practically align one’s self with the suppression and denial of the individual rights of the unborn at the expense of life.
The subject is called “natural law” which we believe to be derived from the God given “humanity” which for me is the same as “soul”.
By and large there is a need for more converts to this understanding from the Democratic party than the Republican party.
***culture of death *** - who used these words?
John Paul II to describe the untettered assault on human life and dignity, of which abortion is the pre-eminent offender and of which the Democratic party proudly defends as a trophy piece in its platform. This is an indefensible position by natural moral law.

John Paul II to describe the untettered assault on human life and dignity, of which abortion is the pre-eminent offender and of which the Democratic party proudly defends as a trophy piece in its platform. This is an indefensible position by natural moral law.
Would you provide the actual quote in which JPII said these things about the democrats
Good Afternoon all:

Just a quick question:

If the Church does not support Democrats, then why did they support John Kerry in the 2004 elections? Although I know he is a Catholic, he is pro-choice and the church threw their support behind him. Wouldn’t you say that’s a conflict?
Individuals supported Kerry. The church dosen’t support anyone. I’m sorry but we have become numb to abortion, it’s been going on for so long. I don’t care what kind of issues you come up with. The war, welfare, feed the poor etc. etc… These are all good issues, but nothing, absolutely nothing can trump 4000 MURDERS A DAY. If there was a candidate for presidency and he was going to change everything in America for the better. I mean everything. Social security issues would be solved. No more wars, everybody would get health benefits at no cost, no more paying for prescription drugs, no more poor, everyone has housing etc. etc…OH, but I forgot he wants to have a lottery everyday were 4000 people will randomly get selected and have to report to a gas chamber to die. WOULD YOU VOTE FOR HIM. Of course you wouldn’t because one of the 4000 a day could be you. Yet some still vote for pro-choice candidates… Those 4000 children are in the lottery everyday. They have no say so in the matter what soever. We are the reason abortion still exist today because people are still worried about what’s in it for me. Most people vote for themselves instead of the helpless children in the womb. Remember the order we should live our lives. G.E.M…GOD,EVERYBODY ELSE, ME
In 2004, in front of St. Patricks Cathedral here in NYC, there was a banner that said “The Catholic Church supports John Kerry for President”…
Individuals supported Kerry. The church dosen’t support anyone. I’m sorry but we have become numb to abortion, it’s been going on for so long. I don’t care what kind of issues you come up with. The war, welfare, feed the poor etc. etc… These are all good issues, but nothing, absolutely nothing can trump 4000 MURDERS A DAY. If there was a candidate for presidency and he was going to change everything in America for the better. I mean everything. Social security issues would be solved. No more wars, everybody would get health benefits at no cost, no more paying for prescription drugs, no more poor, everyone has housing etc. etc…OH, but I forgot he wants to have a lottery everyday were 4000 people will randomly get selected and have to report to a gas chamber to die. WOULD YOU VOTE FOR HIM. Of course you wouldn’t because one of the 4000 a day could be you. Yet some still vote for pro-choice candidates… Those 4000 children are in the lottery everyday. They have no say so in the matter what soever. We are the reason abortion still exist today because people are still worried about what’s in it for me. Most people vote for themselves instead of the helpless children in the womb. Remember the order we should live our lives. G.E.M…GOD,EVERYBODY ELSE, ME
Hi dal11
I agree with what you say. But how many times do you want to elect the Republicans/Democrats and watch the same continue?
According to what you say, I could hold up a banner and say the Catholic Church supports anything, and they must do it since I held up a banner that says that they do.
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