In our view, “works” or “deeds” are a natural development from Faith.
It is not enough to know something, or believe something to be true, it must affect us.
If you love your mother (wife, child, whatever) just saying so is not enough. You had better kiss her with passion. When Mom calls, you come over and change the lightbulb, or light the stove, whatever she needs! Those things are the fruit of your love.
When Mom bakes you a tray of brownies it isn’t because she has to, she wants to bake them, it is the fruit of her love.
Works are like that.
Put another way, psychologists can tell us what we value most, or what priorities we have, by observing what we actually
The old exercise for people in school was to make a list of goals, then make a list of what they have done and compare them. If one had a listed goal of finishing college, owning a big house and taking caribean vacations every year but dropped out of school, used recreational drugs, partied a lot and showed up late for work often that person really does not have the goals listed correctly, he would be kidding himself. It’s like they just list the goals they were always told they should have and not their own. By their fruits you will know them.
So it’s not enough to say you love the Lord, you have to live it. If you are not doing that you are not sincere!
For example we are called to see Christ in everyone, that means more than just “believing in my Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ”. That means acting out our faith in every encounter.
Anyone who has been married knows that after the courtship and the wedding there is usually a long period adjustment, and the two lovebirds have to actually
live out their love, every day. That’s work.