World Health Organization Classifies Contraceptives as Highly Carcinogenic

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Even the WHO is now admitting that there is a problem with contraception. Again from
World Health Organization Classifies Contraceptives as Highly Carcinogenic

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 8, 2005 ( - A press release issued on July 29th of this year by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the little publicized classification of combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives (OCs) as carcinogenic. The IARC placed the contraceptives into their Group 1 classification, the highest classification of carcinogenicity, used only “when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.” (emphasis theirs)

Full Story
Another blow to the Culture of Perversion.

Even the WHO is now admitting that there is a problem with contraception. Again from blow to the Culture of Perversion.

I’m quite sure this will never make the front page news.
Despite the immediate danger to the nearly 100 million women worldwide who are regularly ingesting the newly-defined ‘carcinogenic’ contraceptive pills, the IARC did not recommend that the regular prescription and easy availability of combined OCs should undergo any review. In this the IARC parallels the National Cancer Institute’s study concluded with the recommendation that, instead of the obvious remedy of decreased use of the medically dangerous combined contraceptives, women should undergo frequent mammograms and Pap tests, to discover and curb already developing cancers.
Incredible. :nope: :mad:
Even the WHO is now admitting that there is a problem with contraception. Another blow to the Culture of Perversion.

Awesome! Hopefully everyone in the Culture of Perversion will get cancer! That will show them!
Awesome! Hopefully everyone in the Culture of Perversion will get cancer! That will show them!

I would not go that far. However, is does show that the Culture of Perversion crown is not only anti-children, but they are anti-women as well.

More and more, the veil of deceit is being lifted.

World Health Organization Classifies Contraceptives as Highly Carcinogenic

GENEVA, Switzerland, August 8, 2005 ( - A press release issued on July 29th of this year by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the little publicized classification of combined estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives (OCs) as carcinogenic. The IARC placed the contraceptives into their Group 1 classification, the highest classification of carcinogenicity, used only “when there is sufficient evidence of carcinogenicity in humans.” (emphasis theirs)

Combined estrogen-progestogen OCs are the most commonly prescribed forms of contraceptives. According to the IARC “worldwide, more than 100 million women - about 10% of all women of reproductive age - currently use combined hormonal contraceptives.”

This outright declaration by the World Health Organization of the proven dangers of combined OCs comes as an unexpected surprise to many who have been working for years to publicize their dangers. “I’m stunned that they would come out and say that, because they’ve been denying this for years,” said Toronto area MD and medical adviser to Campaign Life Coalition, Dr. Shea. But he added, “They’re really only admitting something that’s been known.”
Now if only we can link how the pro-death industry KNOWINGLY covered up evidence of this link and hopefully we can put some of these people out of business through class-action lawsuit.
I’m quite sure this will never make the front page news.
Well, I’m happy to report that it made front page here! Mind you it was on a side column, but still, front page! :clapping:
Well, I’m happy to report that it made front page here! Mind you it was on a side column, but still, front page! :clapping:
That’s great! I haven’t noticed around here cuz I’ve spent too much time here on the computer to read the paper or watch the news. :o

Yes, I think some class-action law suits are in order. This is so sad that woman are putting their health at risk because they are being lied to. And just TRY telling a woman using BCP about this…they’ll just laugh at you and blow ya off. They don’t WANT to face the truth, because then they have to give up their carefree sex life.
Now if only we can link how the pro-death industry KNOWINGLY covered up evidence of this link and hopefully we can put some of these people out of business through class-action lawsuit.
When did Hillary know about it? And why did she not share it?
And just TRY telling a woman using BCP about this…they’ll just laugh at you and blow ya off. They don’t WANT to face the truth, because then they have to give up their carefree sex life.
I agree but I did convince a married friend to give up the pill due to the health risks, but obviously there are other pro-life benefits!!
When did Hillary know about it? And why did she not share it?
Not sure but in all charity it’s possible she really has no concept of moral reasoning and thinks she is indeed acting on behalf of women’s health.
The advantages of combined pills are:

  a reduced risk of ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer

  prevention of ectopic pregnancy

  decreased menstrual blood loss and pain and cramps

  less severe premenstrual symptoms, more regular cycles

  more regular cycles
decreased acne
prevention of bone density loss for women who attained their peak bone mass (generally those over 30)
less risk of ovarian cysts
Since 1960, when birth control pills first became available, important information about pills and cancer has been learned:

  Pills reduce the risk of ovarian cancer: three years of use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40%; ten years of use reduces the risk by 80%.

  Pills reduce the risk for endometrial (uterine lining) cancer.
Most studies suggest that pills neither reduce nor increase the risk for breast cancer. Research continues to evaluate this. Women are encouraged to do monthly self-breast exams and report any changes or problems to their health care provider.
Since 1960, when birth control pills first became available, important information about pills and cancer has been learned:

  Pills reduce the risk of ovarian cancer: three years of use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40%; ten years of use reduces the risk by 80%.

  Pills reduce the risk for endometrial (uterine lining) cancer.
Most studies suggest that pills neither reduce nor increase the risk for breast cancer. Research continues to evaluate this. Women are encouraged to do monthly self-breast exams and report any changes or problems to their health care provider.
Please see:

And because most birth control pills are an abortifacient see here for information about the link between abortion and breast cancer:

There are links and someday the media will uncover what most pro-lifers already know. But for now, the science and media bias is to keep women in the dark about these studies.
Pills reduce the risk of ovarian cancer: three years of use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40%; ten years of use reduces the risk by 80%.

Pills reduce the risk for endometrial (uterine lining) cancer.
Hmm. Well, I think I’d rather get cancer than roast in hell for all eternity. To each her own, though! 🙂
Awesome! Hopefully everyone in the Culture of Perversion will get cancer! That will show them!

People here do NOT want people to suffer, esp. when that suffering is needless as this suffering will be. I hope that you do not believe that anyone here feels otherwise. We do want the FACTS and the TRUTH to be told and women to be informed what this is doing to their bodies!

I hope you understand that BEXTRA (my pet peeve, it relieved quite a bit of my back pain) got pulled OVER LESS!!

Norbert, here is something that ACTS often as an ABORTIAFACIENT (most women aren’t told!), that puts womens’ bodies through changes that effect their moods and mental states! and, Now, we now these things CAUSE CANCER, and the last thing they tell women is that they CAUSE CANCER!

Any other medication that had the side effects of these medications (see BEXTRA above) WOULD BE PULLED and its MANUFACTURERS SUED!

And, Any doctor, pharmacist or drug company that failed to notify the patients of the drug’s most common serious side effect would lose his license or face other disciplinary action, be sued for MALPRACTICE (or other Cause of Action), and might be charged criminally if the drug were ANY other drug!

I see NO reason why women should get cancer so Pharmaceutical Companies can make more money, and NO reason why they should be exposed to additional risks because their doctors and pharmacists are too lazy to research the risks or explain the risks to them, or think they’re too lazy to learn about NFP and taking control over their own bodies!

Blessed are they whao act to save the Innocent, Michael
Since 1960, when birth control pills first became available, important information about pills and cancer has been learned:

  Pills reduce the risk of ovarian cancer: three years of use reduces the risk of ovarian cancer by 40%; ten years of use reduces the risk by 80%.

  Pills reduce the risk for endometrial (uterine lining) cancer.
Most studies suggest that pills neither reduce nor increase the risk for breast cancer. Research continues to evaluate this. Women are encouraged to do monthly self-breast exams and report any changes or problems to their health care provider.

I know the US Government and various women’s groups have continued using the "research from these people, but I do believe that a lot of their methology was found to be flawed at best, in fact, contrary to their claims, Depo-Provera injected I.M. can cause significant bone density loss per Nursing 2005.

Re: Depo-Provera --Injectable contraceptive gets black-box warning

Fact is, that when they were doing the research for Artificial Contraception, the group studying men noted some fairly minor side effects which caused the researchers to stop trying to develop “Male Contraceptives”. On the other side, at least 2 women DIED - this caused the researchers to change the dosages and formulations! How do you like that for “feminism” and “women’s liberation”?

It is important when looking at research to check and see who’s funding it, and what philosophy is driving it. These just might reveal a bias that just can’t be overcome, or that, will influence how the research is done, and even who is included in the sample (researcher and sample biases - can make the study and the conclusions invalid).

Once you’ve figured there’s nothing that should bias the study or cause the researchers to lose impartiality, you than have to look at the METHODOLOGY, or how the study is put together - What the Hypothesis is (what they think should be the result) and how they plan to test it…

You’ll probably need a class on Statistics or Research Methodology to be able to do all of this, but at least you should have the ability to look at it and see if the study makes logical and rational sense.

I hope this helps.

Good Night.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
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