You do sound like you have a touch of scrupulosity. Fear of the Lord, doesn’t mean being scared to death of him.
Big news flash…you’re a sinner. I’m a sinner. Everyone reading this is a sinner. If I look back on my day, today, I can count four, no five, wait a minute, six venial sins. But the other thing I can count on is the love of our Lord and his Divine mercy. When I pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy tonight, I’ll ask the Lord for his forgiveness, and try, really try not to do those sins anymore…though I know I will probably fail in that effort. I’m human, and I’m a miserable sinner. I wish I wasn’t, but I am. Christ knows that about me, already, and he loves me anyway. If I really mess up and commit mortal sins, I’ll bring these sins to Christ in the confessional and beg his forgivenss, and I trust He will give it to me because He said he would. My sins are my proof of my need for a savior. Thank God, I have Christ.
So don’t worry about being a sinner…you already are one. “Ta da!” Focus on trusting in our Lord to forgive, forget, and renew. St. Faustina wrote in her diary that the Lord revealed to her in her private revelations that it wounds his heart more that people don’t trust in his mercy more than the actual sins they commit.
Ponder the love of Jesus…not the sin that draws you away from Him. Besides, the Devil loves a person in a state of woe. Don’t give Satan the satisfaction. When you catch yourself pondering your sins, just say “Thank you Jesus for being my Savior…Jesus I trust in you.” Then show Him how much you love Him by doing something nice for someone else or even for yourself.