Worshipping Statues

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A few days ago, in my AP Psych class, we had finished our final and had a bit of time to just talk.

We (two of my classmates and I) got into a discussion about eating healthy, and I mentioned that went Lent comes, I was going to give up meat [because it is my first Lent since my Confirmation], so I’m really gonna lose some weight.

Both of the girls I was talking to were Protestant. One asked what Lent was, and I explained it accurately. She told me that she never really knew the difference between Christian and Catholic. Before I could give a response, the other Christian girl assumed, “They worship Mary, saints… statues.”

In my head, I was thinking, Geez, be careful. That’s my heritage you’re talking about.

I wasn’t too offended, but I was amazed at how little many people knew about other faiths, in general–not just Catholicism. It seems as if when it is unknown, it is more demonized. I was always aware of that, but it never looked so real to me at that moment.

At least now, I’m going to work harder to defend my own past religion, especially if I’m going to defend others for the sake of their presence.

But what would you have done differently?

Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood
Corrected them, maybe invited them to come along to Mass and see just what goes on.
Corrected them, maybe invited them to come along to Mass and see just what goes on.
Well, the next time I hear an incorrect comment, I will gladly correct them, but I would never take them to Mass.

To me, that’s not right… I’m very “Satanic” (for lack of a better term) about that–I’m not one to push. Besides, they seemed pretty hardcore… at least one of them did.

Thank you for replying, though.

Ironically Yours. ❤️
Well, the next time I hear an incorrect comment, I will gladly correct them, but I would never take them to Mass.

To me, that’s not right… I’m very “Satanic” (for lack of a better term) about that–I’m not one to push. Besides, they seemed pretty hardcore… at least one of them did.

Thank you for replying, though.

Ironically Yours. ❤️
Invite them to Mass. That would not be pushing. Lots of non-Catholic Christians attend Mass. I was a Methodist when I married my Catholic wife. I attended mass for 10 years every Sunday before I converted. There is absolutely nothing wrong in inviting a non-Catholic to Mass. They simply do not receive Communion but they get a good idea of what really takes place. I was totally ignorant about the Church before I met my wife.
A In my head, I was thinking, Geez, be careful. That’s my heritage you’re talking about.

But what would you have done differently?

Ironically Yours, Blade and Blood
what would I have done? probably said this out loud rather than just thinking it, then adding afterward, if you really want to know what Catholic Christians believe I will be glad to share with you, but not if you are going to pass on misinformation.
Study a bit on the “worship” of Mary, not exactly true. Also do not hesitate to invite them to a mass. The mass is very structured, based on the bible and easy to explain that way.
I would invite them to Mass, but also I would explain to them about statues.
There are many misconceptions about how we pray to Saints to intercede for us.
Many believe they are praying to dead people. I have explain to many that because they are Saints, they are alive in Christ.
If they believe it is wrong to have a picture or statue of a Saint because they dead people and we should not “worship” dead people, but they will have photos of their mother who passed away, I asked one, “What is the difference?” so far they had no answer. 🤷
Well, the next time I hear an incorrect comment, I will gladly correct them, but I would never take them to Mass.

To me, that’s not right… I’m very “Satanic” (for lack of a better term) about that–I’m not one to push. Besides, they seemed pretty hardcore… at least one of them did.

Thank you for replying, though.

Ironically Yours. ❤️
Non pushy is a better (if rather clumsy) term than Satanic.

However I did say ‘‘invite’’ not ‘‘hog tie and drag’’ 😉
Tough situation, Blade!
They caught you totally off-guard, I can see that.
Miss Manners (bless her proper little soul) has a good tactic for this, regardless of the type of misinformation.
It’s to make this face: :eek:
What they said was so very false and incorrect, it was akin to them saying that you were eight feet tall, and really the only appropriate reaction to such an outlandish statement is total and utter shock.
It’s not rude or unkind to be shocked.
From the sound of your post, you were genuinely shocked. We’re taught to hide our shock, but sometimes it’s there for a reason.
Trust me, once they saw your eyes boggle out at the statement, THEY would be the ones asking why.🙂
And maybe that was not the appropriate time to invite them to a Mass - you’re a better judge of the moment you were in than any of us, but I, as a Catholic, have attended worship services at many protestant churches at the invitation of friends. I attended to hear a speaker a friend was particular revved about, or to hear a friend sing in the choir, and sometimes they just invited me to attend their picnics. 🤷 An invitation is, by its very nature not pushy. Don’t worry too much about it. 🙂
Since they are classmates, could the opportunity to correct the misconception come up again?

Sometimes we get caught off guard, and an un-thought through reply could be worse than not saying anything at all.

You may get a chance to inform them correctly on Catholic theology. Who knows…the Almighty might have put this opportunity right in your lap.

Bone up on the difference between “worship” and veneration. Be able to make the connection that having a statue of a saint around is no different than having a cross or altar in a church…we aren’t worshiping the statues just as other churches aren’t worshiping the cross or altar (nor do we). 👍
I would have corrected her and probably turned it into a heated debate. 😛

I don’t know what bringing her to Mass with you could have done since the issue wasn’t even a question of what goes on at Mass; she can watch it on TV if she really wants to.

I am surprised, though, that two Protestants couldn’t figure out what Lent was between them. It’s not an exclusively Catholic thing, although I guess it depends on which denomination they were.

Oh, and AP Psych? Ew.
In my head, I was thinking, Geez, be careful. That’s my heritage you’re talking about.

At least now, I’m going to work harder to defend my own past religion, especially if I’m going to defend others for the sake of their presence.

But what would you have done differently?
I would have spoken instead of kept silent.
What does it benefit someone that you were thinking “geez…” in your head? Why did you not defend the Church?
Maybe I have come across this view of Catholics far too often. Most recently, when I hear comments regarding Mary and statue worship, I invite the person over to the house and explain that I have an alter in the basement with different deity’s cut and formed out of the wood of an old oak tree in the backyard. I then explain that I pray to each one dependent upon the location of the moon and stars…

That either get a good laugh out of them, or they never bother talking to me again. 😃
Maybe I have come across this view of Catholics far too often. Most recently, when I hear comments regarding Mary and statue worship, I invite the person over to the house and explain that I have an alter in the basement with different deity’s cut and formed out of the wood of an old oak tree in the backyard. I then explain that I pray to each one dependent upon the location of the moon and stars…

That either get a good laugh out of them, or they never bother talking to me again. 😃
The problem with that for me, where I live they would actually believe it:D :whacky: :rotfl:
I loved AP psych when I took it!! Nice change from AP physics and calculus, now that’s Ew.
That is a tough one. I’m currently Protestant but I’m going to attent RCIA very soon. I have always been fascinated by the Catholic faith so I’ve done many research on it. And it is difficult trying to explain it all in one sitting. I especially get a lot of criticism from my own Protestant family and friends.
I would have spoken instead of kept silent.
What does it benefit someone that you were thinking “geez…” in your head? Why did you not defend the Church?
I did not defend it because usually when you try to defend really anything about your personal beliefs, others will fail to understand and then, try their best to defend their belief in the misconceptions you are debunking. That, to me, is a stalemate and somewhat of a waste of time.

But, I know better now… I still would not take them to Mass, but now, I will be more determined to be fair to them and myself.

Ironically Yours. ❤️
Hmmm…if I hear someone repeat a lie about the Church, I tell them to their face it’s not the truth and what the truth about that topic is. Not always a popular way of doing things, but maybe they won’t repeat what they said a second time to someone who might NOT know better.

This is how I would explain it: I have pictures and statues of Jesus, Mary and Saints in my home for the same reason I have pictures of friends and family and special items from them in my home. They remind me of the person, and brings their memory to the front of my mind. And when I say a prayer because a statue or picture brings Jesus or the Blessed Virgin to the front of my mind, I’m not praying to the ITEM, but to the one it represents.

My two pennies, your mileage may vary 🙂
I’d have stopped them at the “difference between Catholics and Christians” - stated that all Catholics are Christians, but, not all who claim the name of Christian are Catholic.
Hmmm…if I hear someone repeat a lie about the Church, I tell them to their face it’s not the truth and what the truth about that topic is. Not always a popular way of doing things, but maybe they won’t repeat what they said a second time to someone who might NOT know better.

This is how I would explain it: I have pictures and statues of Jesus, Mary and Saints in my home for the same reason I have pictures of friends and family and special items from them in my home. They remind me of the person, and brings their memory to the front of my mind. And when I say a prayer because a statue or picture brings Jesus or the Blessed Virgin to the front of my mind, I’m not praying to the ITEM, but to the one it represents.

My two pennies, your mileage may vary 🙂
How very interesting… I may have to use that in the future, if you don’t mind.

Ironically Yours. ❤️
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