I read a lot of science fiction and have always wondered IF (hopefully never) human cloning came to be.
All humans inherit original sin, so if someone is human they also inherit original sin regardless of how they came into being-- through natural generation by their parents, through artificial conception techniques, or through “cloning”.I read a lot of science fiction and have always wondered IF (hopefully never) human cloning came to be.
Absolutely.All humans inherit original sin, so if someone is human they also inherit original sin regardless of how they came into being-- through natural generation by their parents, through artificial conception techniques, or through “cloning”.
Original sin is a state of deprivation of original holiness, we all come under original sin save the Blessed Virgin who was preserved from it by a singular act of grace.
If our society insists on pushing this “I have to be great and feel about something” mentality, someone is probably going to try this at some point.I read a lot of science fiction and have always wondered IF (hopefully never) human cloning came to be.
If our society insists on pushing this “I have to be great and feel about something” mentality, someone is probably going to try this at some point.
Two great points.I don’t think so as a human clone would most likely not have a spiritual soul but an animal soul. The soul being that part of an organic organism that animates the body. The Spirit animates the soul and the soul animates the body. Humans have souls (minds) and bodies but also a Spirit which sets us apart from other living creatures. Adam and Eve would have been animals until God breathed His Spirit into them.
Fulton Sheen compares man to a peach. The pit or core is the Spirit, what surrounds the pit is the soul and what is the outer covering is the body. (If we aren’t healthy spiritually eventually it will effect the mind and the body)
I think all living things can be said to have a soul whether it is a complex brain or meer instinct for survival but only man also has a Spirit and is created in the image of God. spiritually.
Great! Been arguing with my priest whom believes we are just body and soul/spirit. I tell him we are tripart beings. If we were made in the image of God and God is a Trinity. Why would we be tri-part beings also. 1 Thes 5:23 “And the God of peace Himself sanctify you wholly, and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete,…”I don’t think so as a human clone would most likely not have a spiritual soul but an animal soul. The soul being that part of an organic organism that animates the body. The Spirit animates the soul and the soul animates the body. Humans have souls (minds) and bodies but also a Spirit which sets us apart from other living creatures. Adam and Eve would have been animals until God breathed His Spirit into them.
Fulton Sheen compares man to a peach. The pit or core is the Spirit, what surrounds the pit is the soul and what is the outer covering is the body. (If we aren’t healthy spiritually eventually it will effect the mind and the body)
I think all living things can be said to have a soul whether it is a complex brain or meer instinct for survival but only man also has a Spirit and is created in the image of God. spiritually.
I guess human clones would have souls and original sin. That’s the only explanation that makes sense.I read a lot of science fiction and have always wondered IF (hopefully never) human cloning came to be.
…but the view of sex stemming from this rejected idea is still being cherished.Absolutely.
The idea that original sin is inextricably linked with the sexual act was once popular among theologians, but in the light of artificial conception, it has been superseded.
Not at all. What about the Theology of the Body?…but the view of sex stemming from this rejected idea is still being cherished.
I’m not following here.I don’t think so as a human clone would most likely not have a spiritual soul but an animal soul.
The Church doesn’t teach Genesis is “just a story”. If anyone is telling you that they are severely mistaken. Genesis recounts a real, historical, event. But, it uses figurative language to convey it. In other words, our first parents really existed, they really did sin, they really did reject God and cut humanity off from God’s friendship. Whether or not there was a real tree, or if the tree is a symbol for their pride, and their actual sin was something else, we don’t know. It’s not really important.St Augustine seems to have clouded the issue of original sin (according to my Parish Priest) I myself remain confused. If evolution comes into play now ,as more and more Catholics are stating it does and that we evolved from whatever? and genesis is forever being seen as "just a story "it leaves me as a simple catholic person who always believed what I was taught quite puzzled as to at what point in evolving do we attain original sin?. There are many scenarios that come into play but I personally would just like to accept the Genesis scenario. Please can someone give me a definitive answer so I can move on. Thank you.
Yes, all living things have a soul - but there are distinctions:I think all living things can be said to have a soul whether it is a complex brain or meer instinct for survival but only man also has a Spirit and is created in the image of God. spiritually.
Well put.If you human being was created from SCRATCH, that is molecule by molecule, enough to
create at least a reproducing cell that would develop into a human being, then PERHAPS
it would not have Original Sin, but would it have a soul? Doubt it.
However, all humans are born sinful, being descendant from the
first humans that brought sin into the world. So, if a human was
cloned from another human who was born of Original Sin, then
that clone would likely have Original Sin as well.
Hold on there. What is the ontological difference between:If you human being was created from SCRATCH, that is molecule by molecule, enough to
create at least a reproducing cell that would develop into a human being, then PERHAPS
it would not have Original Sin, but would it have a soul? Doubt it.
I can understand this regarding a clone who is ‘born’ and matured in a donor mothers womb, but what about a clone that was never in a womb, or born of a mother, one that is cloned and grown in a lab, or special equipment, IMO, would not be considered human, and therefore would not have original sin, but would not have a soul either. It requires God to breath life into each fetus for something to have a soul, so a being that is created by mankind, would not have that breath from God…this gets confusing, but I tend to think clones will be kind of like animals in God eyes, maybe not even that though, as an animal also requires that breath of God to start life…not sure what a clone would be then?? LOLAll humans inherit original sin, so if someone is human they also inherit original sin regardless of how they came into being-- through natural generation by their parents, through artificial conception techniques, or through “cloning”.
Original sin is a state of deprivation of original holiness, we all come under original sin save the Blessed Virgin who was preserved from it by a singular act of grace.