Would Catholics read this?

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A few years ago, I decided I wanted to write a Catholic novel about the Apocalypse — basically a supernatural thriller. After a year of research, I realized I had too much material and it evolved into a trilogy. One part I’m struggling with is violence in the novels. I’m only focused on book one right now, which is about the rise of the Antichrist. Part of the story involves the serial deaths of a number of cardinals by the Antichrist, who is trying to seize control of the Church by placing Satan’s minions in key positions of power.

My first death scene was a hanging, staged to look like a suicide, but discovered to be a murder. In following “best practices” for crime scenes, the cardinal was left hanging while the lead detectives and forensic specialists went about processing the scene.

I quickly decided that I didn’t want gruesome murders in a Catholic novel, so I switched to the Antichrist using his powers to inflict extreme pain as the means of threatening the cardinals to commit suicide. I was relying on paragraph 2282 from the Catechism (about fear of torture) as an out for the cardinals to commit what would otherwise be a mortal sin.

I reduced the total number of deaths to four (pretty much the minimum I need to tell the story) and decided to start with a cardinal who allowed himself to be buried alive by the Antichrist. It turned out to be less gruesome than I had feared (he basically prayed until they covered his face, at which point he lost consciousness right after his first inhale of dirt.) I had thought to use a different means of suicide for each of the four, one of which was a hanging. The other two I hadn’t yet decided.

In thinking about the remaining suicides, I thought it might still be too gruesome, so I switched to the Antichrist offing all of the cardinals in the same way, by giving them a capsule of cyanide to swallow. Although cyanide can be an unpleasant way to die in low doses, I used a high dose that kills in about a minute, and I don’t describe what the cardinals experience during that minute (e.g., potential convulsions).

With the first cyanide death, the scene closes with the cardinal waiting for death to occur and thinking about Psalm 23:4 (Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff — they comfort me.).

This is about as benign a death as I can think of, but it’s repetitive as there is no variety to the deaths and I’m concerned that will come across as boring in a thriller.

Three questions:
  1. Would you read a thriller about the Apocalypse that involves the deaths of four cardinals?
  2. Are different means of death too gruesome, including being buried alive and hanging?
  3. What is the minimum age you would suggest for readers of the novel?
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Is it that you don’t read thrillers, or specifically something objectionable in my book?

That actually doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea. Apocalypse fiction is a kind of dystopian fiction, which I enjoy. Plus we need a novel like this that is more correct to Catholicism than Tim Lahaye’s Left Behind series. [Shudders]
  1. So long as it isn’t an anti-Catholic book, which it won’t be, I may read it even in light of those deaths. It is uncomfortable, but it does show what it would be like when the Anti-Christ comes around, even if this is in a more fictional light, I think people almost need to know about how ugly it could get when that happens.
  2. Hanging is a common theme around fictional books. Mature mystery novels have a lot of different death methods. Whether those are too gruesome depends on who you ask, though, again, could be unpleasant. That said, “pleasant” isn’t exactly what you’re going for here.
  3. Definitely not for kids. At minimum I’d say 17-18 years old.
Thank you for your feedback. I try to include many Catholic elements in the book, including Holy Communion, the Act of Contrition, a Catholic funeral, Eucharistic Adoration, quite a few prayers, and numerous Bible quotes, among others. One of my two main characters is a troubled Catholic priest, although a very decent man. Half the story is told from his point of view (the other half from the viewpoint of a Catholic detective). I acknowledge the sexual abuse crisis, but don’t dwell on it.

Left Behind was one of the reasons I wanted to write a Catholic story. Too many Catholics think Left Behind is an accurate interpretation of Revelation due to the lack of a recent Catholic alternative. Funny coincidence: I chose The Lord of the Earth as my trilogy title just days before Pope Francis recommended a one hundred-year-old book, Lord of the World, about the Apocalypse.
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I would read if if it was good prose , like Robert Benson’s Lord of the World. About the antichrist and written around 1905. Fabulous writing. To me the writing is what a book stands or falls on. I’ve read some pretty ropey fiction with Catholic themes even if the themes were orthodox. Another great example of good writing is the Exorcist. Come up with anything as good as these and I’ll buy your book!
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The books stray somewhat from Revelation as a final challenge from Satan plays out between him and God. Ultimately, God is in charge. Even the Antichrist is given a chance at redemption.
Is it a human posing as the Anti Christ or the Anti Christ doing all the killing, cuase I kind of agree with (name removed by moderator), it would be wrong to have anyone defete the Anti Christ other then God or someone with powers given to him directly from God… you know what I mean… but having him go down to his knee that shows God is in charge would be very cool.

I think a lot of Catholic would read the book, but keep in mind if its insulting to the Catholic faith they will try to destroy you, so I’d be careful about that… look at how they feel about the Left Behind books 😉

and if it has a lot of gory details of murders I’d say it should not be recommended for children under 13 without parents supervision.

FYI: its not my type of book, I’m more the romance type. So add a little romance in it I’ll give it a try. 🙂
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Good luck. It’s not my thing. For the Apocalypse I read the sources and Catholic commentary. The book of Revelation, the Gospel eschatological discourses, the OT prophets. I figure I could spend a lifetime studying these and still barely grasp the truth. There’s no need for me to read fiction.
I’ve read eight or nine different study guides for Revelation, and they interpret many elements differently. My favorite interpretation is Coming Soon: Unlocking the Book of Revelation, which places most of the events before the destruction of Jerusalem. Revelation Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture is almost as good and places most events in the future. I’d recommend both.
The Antichrist is human in my book, but only God can defeat him.
I was thinking at least age 14 for the book, higher if I go with a more gruesome representation of the deaths (e.g., buried alive, hanging, etc.). It’s going to get even more complicated for books two and three, where much of the violence in Revelation will be told. Not sure how to sugarcoat those.
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