Would like opinions and maybe some encouragement

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I really don’t know what category to put this in so I’m sorry if this is wrong. So, you may remember me from a while back. I posted not long after my beloved dad passed away. I’m still so so heart broken and cry everyday. But I was also saddened by the fact that I have no real way to become Catholic despite my desire to since I have to live with my aunt and her family and they are Jehovahs Witnesses (I was born and raised as one but realized they weren’t the truth. I think I talked a little about this in a previous post) I have PTSD, severe anxiety and bipolar and somewhat poor health in general and because of these things, I can’t live alone and this is my only family.

Anyway, I was wondering about some opinions. Since I have a phone with my own number now I was thinking about calling the local Parish to ask some questions about becoming Catholic. But the biggest problem is my family. Since they are JW’S they are pretty anti Catholic and because of that, I would have no way of going to the Parish, not only that, I would have to hide my interest in being Catholic from them and would have to do everything in secret. Plus I’m actually kind of terrified to actually call…because of my anxiety and mental issues I freeze up a lot or forget things and I’m not even sure what to really ask. So, should I even try? Knowing that I don’t even have a way to go to Mass except for watching live streams. I don’t really know what to do.

I’ve been interested in being Catholic for a while but it seems like everything is in the way. And since I was spiritualy abused as a JW, it scares me sometimes. Sometimes I just want to give up. Sometimes I just throw my hands in the air and say " It’s too much, I give up!" But I always come back to it. Does that mean God still wants me to try?

I’m sorry, I can get rambly at times. I hope this makes some sense. Thanks
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I definitely think that God is reaching out to your heart! God is always gentle and never forceful when inviting us to love Him.

I’m really sorry to hear about the situation you’re in. I think it couldn’t hurt to reach out to a few parishes in your area with questions. And don’t worry about freezing up and forgetting what you have to say. I would write down what you want to say beforehand, and if you get nervous, you could offer up your suffering to Jesus out of love 🙂 If you have questions about what to say specifically, let me know and I could try to help!

Though Covid has really restricted things, perhaps a priest can still give you information on 1) how to maximize your time right now, and 2) when you can take the next steps to become Catholic. Maybe he could recommend some catechism books or biographies of saints! St. Padre Pio’s bio, St. Francis of Assisi’s bio, and St. Francis de Sales’ Introduction to the Devout Life are great. The Church has such a large collection of inspirational literature 😃

I’m so sorry to hear about your dad. As far as your family situation, I suppose you could continue to keep your research on the down-low and use the online mass streams. I have no doubt that God will place the right opportunities in your path at the right time if you keep asking Him. I will be praying for you and your family! God bless!
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I’m going to try and give you some practical advice…not spiritual as I’m not catholic.

I don’t know your age. Is there any possibility of moving away from your aunts? A group home or renting a room. The Catholic Church may even know of arrangements that can be made.

From what you’ve said, trying to become catholic is going to be very hard. You would need the fortitude to handle the emotions and conflicts this would cause in your current family and that’s asking a lot from anyone! Finding other living arrangements would solve much of this. Don’t think it’s impossible, either.

Are you under the care of mental health professionals? They can help you, too. Don’t give up on what you want for your life. Your aunts haven’t any right to dictate your religion…even though it sounds like they’ll try anyway.

To me, your options are confrontation or escape from your living arrangements. You’ll have to decide which of those two you’d rather tackle. The last thing you want to do is give up. That’s allowing your aunts to direct your life and declare what your faith is. No one want that for you…especially you shouldn’t want that for you!
Thank you all for your encouragement and kind words. I won’t give up and when I find the right time I will try and give my local Parish a call. And as for my aunt, she is very loving but just very indoctrinated from the watchtower organization. She’s been told that Catholics are part of (if not the biggest part of) Babylon the Great. I was taught this most of my life too but was able to realize that JW’s don’t have the truth. My biggest hope is that something will open my aunts eyes and she and her family will come to know the real truth. Thank you guy’s again for your kindness.
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