Hi to you KathleenElise: Your sweet post brings tears to my eyes as a mom, and how there were many kitchen smells and still are which just fill my boys and me (and H) with such joy! Today, matter of fact, I was making blueberry muffins with real blueberries, as my little ones, (well not so little any more) but huge ones were getting ready for school. I so remember the days when I was hurried off, H too, and we had to shuffle all kids off at— gosh 7-7:30 to their respective places. It was just so hectic, I could hardly breathe. I so regret those days of rush rush. Well, at least I have gained some of them back today, and thru the past few years when we decided it was best for “mom” to be a “mom”. PTL. We own a gorgeous home in an affluent district. BUT, H is not making enough to afford it any longer. The many mistakes he has made, has really taken a toll on him, and on our family. Many of you know my story here. Thanks for being there throughout.
We feel it is better to sell now, while we can make a huge profit than later. Plus, it just might be time to move on, we’re thinkin. IF I worked full-time, we could manage, but this is just a scenario we’re not willing to go with, hence my post and poll. Just curious. We’re thinkin of buying a nice condo or townhouse for half the price very soon, in a town away from the big, expensive city we now live in. Please pray for us. OK? I want nothing more of course than to do God’s Will, whatever it is.
Thx for the reply.
Just the thought dear friend, of your precious ones on your lap "with the smell of vanilla cookies"and you getting hugs and slobbers is just SO cute and SO precious. No money is worth these memories is it!!! You’re a great mom for sure!!
Thx all for your replies. I feel these next 10 months or so will be very crucial for our family. Thx for your continued prayers.