I work as a front desk receptionist. A lot of times, people will come up to me at the front desk, and then my coworkers or managers will stop to chit chat with these people right at my desk. They’ll be jabbering nonstop about all sorts of stuff that doesn’t concern me and I hate having to listen to their stupid, inane conversations given that I’m stuck working here at the front desk. It drives me nuts, and I just want to tell them to take these people back into their offices if they want to talk each other’s ears off there anyway from me so I’m not forced to listen to their dumb small talk. Would it be considered rude if I were to ask them to talk away from my desk so that I don’t have to listen to them jabber all day? It distracts me from the work I am trying to do, and it annoys me to have to listen to their small talk that doesn’t concern me or my duties here at work. What can I do here?
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