I feel that the same answer could be asked “Knowing that you could concieve a child with Down’s Syndrome and them not be on earth very long, would you still take that chance and get pregnant?” I don’t see why the answer would be any different as to adopting a child with the chance of them being removed from your family. It’s about the love - do you want to share it?
I would absolutely want to adopt in this country if my husband would let me! I would love to adopt older children (not teens, but not babies). I can’t imagine going through life without a family, a mom and dad, siblings… If I was to adopt and the biological parent was to come back in their life for some odd reason, I would only hope to put up a good fight for my “legal child”, and only let the courts take them away from me if the parent was able to give them as much love that I could. If they still were to leave me, I would just be glad that I was able to give them what I did have, and hope that I made an imprint on their life. Whether it’s an adoption ripped apart, or losing your own baby to a disease, the pain will be the same. But I would never regret that child coming into my life.