Would you allow your child in a home where there's ILLICIT RELATIONSHIP?

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How do you feel about letting your child to a home where there is some sort of ILLICIT sexual relationship going on? Read the choices carefully and decide where you draw the line. 🙂
How do you feel about letting your child to a home where there is some sort of ILLICIT sexual relationship going on? Read the choices carefully and decide where you draw the line. 🙂
I’m a prude. None of the examples are acceptable.🙂
How do you feel about letting your child to a home where there is some sort of ILLICIT sexual relationship going on? Read the choices carefully and decide where you draw the line. 🙂
I would not knowingly allow my child to visit a home alone where there is any sort if illicit sexual relatiionship going on. I want to protect my children from seeing the evilness of this world as long as I can.
I would have to consider all options. My concern would be to avoid giving the impression that I condone unmarried sexual relationships. I’m not sure if shunning the people is the best way to practice charity, let alone to bring them back to God and chastity or convince them to marry or come back to their lawful spouses if married already. I suppose there is some point at which to cut all association, but if there is one, I wouldn’t love to be quick to it.

What is important to remember is that there’s nothing magical about a gay household, an unmarried hetero household or anything such. Formulae and gestures don’t earn salvation.
If you stop taking children to home where people don’t follow your moral code, you’re in big trouble. How about people who cheat on their income tax, who drive dangerously, who backbite?

Frankly, I’d be more worried about people who drink to excess, who swear, who fight.

If children ask questions, then answer like you would about sex. Answer clearly, frankly and tell them what is right and wrong.

That so many “relationships” are around and accepted by so many is really distressing.
How do you feel about letting your child to a home where there is some sort of ILLICIT sexual relationship going on? Read the choices carefully and decide where you draw the line. 🙂
you mean while the illicit relationship is happening or just because 2 people are shacking up, and your child if friend to their child? Assuming of course they have a licit child…
It would depend on my relationship with the sinner. Shunning close family would not be possibleI had to chose this because I don’t want to burn bridges…I just tell the kids that what they are doing is wrong.
I didn’t vote because I think that circumstances can vary, and none of the answers fit all situations.

Children learn by observing. There is absolutlely no question about that. However, a bunker mentality is not going to teach them to love the sinner and hate the sin. Reading the Gospels is tough business; it does not provide simplistic answers to difficult questions.

Children need age appropriate instructions; I would suspect that some people, in their effort to “shield” their children from such sinners would be doing more harm than good by introducing issues and concepts that are simply inappropriate to the child’s understanding and mentality. Children are by and large innocent when young, and they tend to see the good in others; why would we induce the opposite?
I didn’t vote either because it really depends on the situation, but I think that I might. All the homosexuals and unmarried men and women i ahve a good relationship with understand my views and would not try to influence my child. I also think first-hand experience (by observation, not necssarily action) is the best way to teach. Not in its most illicit senses, of course, but as a general rule.
Depends on the age of the child, if they are staying overnight, if I think it will have an effect on the child, etc.

For example, if the relationship in question is incest between a father and daughter my child’s age, my child is not going anywhere near it. If the problem is a mother who invites male friends in overnight, my child would not get to sleep over there, most likely. If there were two “gay” parents and they were not into PDAs then I *might *let my child play with a friend there during the day, as long as I was comfortable with them and the level of supervision (ie, the usual concerns). It depends on what I think my child will experience while there, so I don’t really fit in the poll.

But if anyone gives me creep-vibes, my kid isn’t going over there.
natural law violations are obviously a big NO.

However, in my case, I have siblings who are in invalid marriages. I didn’t attend the weddings and tried to lovingly explain why I couldn’t. Needless to say, they know where my wife and I stand. Also, we all pray for them to return to the church - our whole family does that.

So, the kids understand that their aunt and uncle need a change in their lives, but we aren’t having to get into the techno lingo of canon law.

So, should we ever get the invitation to visit them (I’m not really holding my breath http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/blackeye/Lcrying.gif), I would probably take the kids just because #1 they already understand that there is something wrong here but that #2 we still need to love them and not cast them out of our presence.

By this definition of illicit I can safely say NO. I would have to presume some kind of illegal activity was taking place.

il·lic·it i líssit ]

adjective 1. **illegal: **not allowed by the law
  1. **unacceptable by prevailing social standards: **considered wrong or unacceptable by prevailing social customs or standards
I ticked only if there was obvious shacking up, i.e.immoral practices taking place in the open for my child to see. Many people live what we call immoral but they do not see it that way but they are discreet. It is possible to be immoral and discreet.
I pick the first one,but to be honest who really knows who is married these days. I grew up in the early 60’s and had a friend, who until her dad died I had no idea (neither did my parents) that her parents never married. If I do know then of course no way. Never would I permit my child in a home where a gay couple resides. Remeber children learn what they live.
The first thing I do when I find myself having to make a decision in a situation like this is: “What would Jesus do?”

Each situation must be taken into consideration on an individual basis - no two are the same. A blanket statement/judgement on a particular situation is not realistic. I would consider all options - depending on the child and the situation and then I would pray about it and ask myself what Jesus would do.

Karen Anne
I would not allow my child to play over at a friend’s house if the friend’s parents were not married, or one parent was living with their boyfriend or friend, or if there was any type of obviously immoral lifestyle going on.

As far as an invalid marriage, I would hope that I would at least be aware of the situation. I can see that it might be possible that I don’t know the details about the validity of a marraige right away or even maybe ever. However, I’m not sure I’d want to let my child get close to people that I didn’t know very well. I would want to know where my kids are, and who will be around them.

If my child was old enough to understand, I might try to explain why people should be married in the Church.

I might also try to see if the couple could rectify their situation and help them do it if possible.

I wouldn’t want my children going over to a house where teens are left unsupervised, or where there is known or alcohol abuse.

I really wouldn’t want my children to be around anyone who was angry with the Church or wanted Church teaching to change on a matter of faith and morals unless I was there to supervise.

I would also be uncomfortable letting my daughter be alone with an man who was completely heterosexual. I would want to be sure there was a mom there in the home and that there were people around so as to prevent the chance of abuse.

A lot of this stuff isn’t just about morality, it’s a safety issue. I want my kids to be safe and I want to know that the people around them won’t hurt them by action or neglect.
…if you count family that has married outside their faith, or chruch as it were, then yes… because i guess technically in a divorce/remarriage (without annulment) would qualify as an invalid if not illicit situation (shack-up) going on here…

…but if your talking about 2 people shacking up outside the bonds of marriage, or same gender thing, then my answer would be no…

…but in all fairness, all four of my children never stayed anywhere that we wern’t…

…all slumber parties were at our house… all 2 of them… ours were not allowed to slumber anywhere that we were not…

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