Would You Reccomend Sterilization to Someone if

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Well I recently had an argument with this “pro-choice” woman who claims that if she ever becomes pregnant she will definately go and have an abortion. She does not intend to get pregnant, but she knows it can happen even if you are using contraception (which she is).

She says she will not stop being sexually active, because she enjoys sex (she isn’t married either, by the way) but never wants to have kids.

Anyway she asked me what I thought about voluntary sterilization and I have to admit, in her case, I am for it. If she is just going to go out and kill her baby if she does get pregnant, then shouldn’t the more moral thing be to make sure that never happens at all?

What do you say to someone like this? I know sterilization is risky and not even 100% effective either, but it is a lot more effective than other contraception, and most likely will not lead to a pregnancy or abortion in this case, whereas if she keeps going on like she is, that probably will happen.

Of course the most moral thing is to try to convince her that abortion is wrong and she should have respect for herself enough not to misuse her body like that, being promiscuous and all. But I already tried that approach and she just won’t listen.

What would you do?
Should you recommend a mortal sin to keep the same person from possibly committing a mortal sin.


But I wouldn’t know how to talk to her, I’m not tactful enough.
Somebody here should be able to help ya though.
Why would you choose/advocate a permanent cure (sterilization) for a temporary condition (ignorance, rebelliousness)? You have no way of knowing this woman’s heart–though her words seem clear. However, with some maturity, education, grace of God or even the reality of a pregnancy, she might be moved to soften her position and keep even an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy intact. In the menatime as you pray for her, don’t confound those prayers by giving advice that leads her further astray.
There have been people who’ve been avidly pro choice, until the moment they find out they’re going to have a BABY, and it’s alive. She may feel differently someday.
Why not Christian4life? It sounds like a logical thing for this woman to do. It’s like that lady the judge ordered to have no more children. She has had children born all addicted to cocaine.
Why not Christian4life? It sounds like a logical thing for this woman to do. It’s like that lady the judge ordered to have no more children. She has had children born all addicted to cocaine.
Would you consider this an effective evangelistic technique, to affirm someone in the choice of an intrinsic evil? “Two wrongs do not make a right” as a boiled down explanation of Catholic morality applicable to this situation. We have a different Judge to be accountible to. I would suggest to Chrisitian4life that maintaining/building your relationship with this woman offers the most effective way to expose this person to the Gospel, and pray that the Holy Spirit will use you for her conversion.
Why not Christian4life? It sounds like a logical thing for this woman to do. It’s like that lady the judge ordered to have no more children. She has had children born all addicted to cocaine.
CCC 2399
The regulation of births represents one of the aspects of responsible fatherhood and motherhood. Legitimate intentions on the part of the spouses do not justify recourse to morally unacceptable means (for example, direct sterilization or contraception).

Humanae Vitae
(14) Equally to be condemned, as the magisterium of the Church has affirmed on many occasions, is direct sterilization, whether of the man or of the woman, whether permanent or temporary

Charter of the Rights of the Family
The spouses have the inalienable right to found a family and to decide on the spacing of births and the number of children to be born, taking into full consideration their duties towards themselves, their children already born, the family and society, in a just hierarchy of values and in accordance with the objective moral order which excludes recourse to contraception, sterilization and abortion

Homily of John Paul II, 30 Nov 1986
The ChurchÍs well-known opposition to contraception and sterilization is not a position arbitrarily taken, nor is it based on a partial perspective of the human person. Rather it expresses her integral vision of the human person, who is gifted with a vocation that is not only natural and earthly but also supernatural and eternal.

No, you can not recommend one mortal sin in order to avoid another. If she insists on going down this dark path, one can only warn her (don’t sterilize, don’t abort) and pray for her conversion. We can not be accomplices by giving advice about how to effectively navigate a course through a sea of evil.

One part says great she shouldn’t be potentially breeding such horrible ideas. But maybe you should challenge that, if her life and ideals are that great how come she doesn’t want to share it with a child? Sure I believe her when she says the sex is great, but does she know how to love? Anyone can have great sex, but very few people can love.
Thank you all for your replies. You do have a point. I guess I should’ve mentioned that I’m a protestant right now and haven’t even really decided for myself whether sterilization is intrinsically evil or not. I know you all think that it is, and I certainly don’t think believe it’s a great thing, but then again if it would keep certain people from having abortions, I don’t know…

You definately have a point on the fact that she may change her mind in the future, but it is reversible, I think. In any case I will certainly keep praying for her that she will change her whole outlook on this, and come to know God. It is definately a very frightening mindset to be in to think that you can do whatever you want and make someone else (ie, an innocent unborn child) pay the consequences.

Thank you all.
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