It soudns liek a great idea. I only recently learned that she converted to the Catholic church and her regret for the decision, and would like to know more about her.
I regret in general that there are not more movies about leaders in the Catholic church, clegy and laypeople alike who have done so much good. I loved the movie The Mission, which I saw as a child, but was disappointed when I learned that it was fiction.
Likewise, I saw a movie Saving Grace about a fictional pope who seemed so caring and human, not an impression I often receive from only reading about or listening to popes (well, there has only been one in my lifetime), when Iw s young and was disappointed too to learn he was fiction.
Why not more movies about real people who did real things like Bartolome de las Casa a priest who fought for the rights of Native Americans and against slavery in Latin America? Or a movie about Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish priest who did so much work to promote peace and stand up the the Nazis through his publications that died in the Nazi gas chamber? Or about Edith Stein who converted to Catholicism, joined a Carmelite order but refused to leave the country when the Jews were being killed? There are many, many more people who have great stories and there is such a dearth of movies that uplift and provide role models and inspiration, as well as history and entertainment.
Movies have been made about Dorothy Day and Oscar Romero, peopel who I find very insipirational and whose examples provide many lessons for modern life, but the movies were very badly done. At least in Romero, Raul Julia was good and some of the preists were adequate actors, but the other people had bad acting and the script was not impressive or instructive. I did not see the Dorothy Day movie because it was made by the same production team, and had terrible reviews.
Then we have so amny of these really stupid movies like Stigmata, where they use preists as heros and villains, but then tag on a line at the end that was something to the effect that “the Catholic Church still does not recognize the gnostic gospels”…and I was so enraged to see that…neither do the Protestant churces and the Protestant Bible is much more an abridged version of documents.