Would you target your tithing this way?

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Catholics generally don’t tithe.

The vast majority of my donations to Catholic groups and organizations is either to directly meet a human need for food, water, clothing, shelter etc, or to a particular parish or shrine to keep the lights on, plumbing operational, plaster from falling off its walls, etc. Sometimes I contact an order to say a Mass for me in which case I presume my money is going to the priests’ upkeep.

The idea of Catholic donations being politicized in any way is to me both laughable and sad. In any event, I don’t think when I’m contributing to a fund to buy a herd of dairy cows for some mission convent somewhere that there’s any issue with the cows being lavender or any other color, nor do I care if the people drinking the milk are gay or not.

P.S. The author of that article sounds like they have some serious foaming-at-the-mouth anger management problem.
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It sounds especially ridiculous given that this Cardinal has been retired for years and his alleged bad acts were committed decades ago. It’s not like the Cardinal himself is running an order or a fund or even being in charge of some Archdiocese, and we can withhold our money from the order, fund or Archdiocese.
From the article:

I can hear you snickering over your Cosmopolitans, boys.

“Who does this woman think she is?”

I think she maybe has a tiny bit of inflated sense of importance.
I can hear you snickering over your Cosmopolitans, boys.

“Who does this woman think she is?”

I think she maybe has a tiny bit of inflated sense of importance.
Ya don’t say?

I’m not a “boy”, I wouldn’t know a “Cosmopolitan” if you dumped it over my head (I don’t think she means the women’s fashion magazine Cosmopolitan either).

To me the lady just sounds angry, and frankly, crazy.
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I don’t tithe, I give what I can to the my parish and to local food banks so I know my money is going to a good cause.
Catholics have an obligation to support the Church directly:

Can. 222 §1. The Christian faithful are obliged to assist with the needs of the Church so that the Church has what is necessary for divine worship, for the works of the apostolate and of charity, and for the decent support of ministers.

§2. They are also obliged to promote social justice and, mindful of the precept of the Lord, to assist the poor from their own resources.

There is a great deal of latitude in how this is done, but there is also a degree to which it is morally forbidden to “vote with our wallets,” as that blogger is suggesting we do. I don’t know what “who she thinks she is” has to do with it, though. No one, from highest to lowest, has the right to teach Catholics to violate canon law.

This little tidbit is beyond the pale, however:
you do not believe in the Faith, easy to see because you don’t espouse it

As for what is emptying the seminaries, I don’t think the evidence is that parents are doing much to encourage their children to consider the priesthood or religious life. It is probably more common that parents are discouraging a son or daughter who is considering giving their life to God alone instead of dedicating themselves to God in a way that will also produce grandchildren who belong to the economic upper or upper-middle class. (I mean that Catholic parents much more reliably pressure their children to pursue a “good paying job” than giving any word that those same children discern a vocation most pleasing to Heaven.)
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What do y’all think?
I think, first of all, that I understand her anger. BUT –

I think that “closing our wallets” will hurt the local parishes most of all.
I think that she does not have the authority to determine who/what makes up “the authentic faith.”
I think blaming everything that’s gone wrong on the “lavender mafia” is totally overboard.
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The mere phrase “Lavender Mafia” tips one off that the blog/blogger is an outrage peddler.

Give as much as you can to your parish (they in turn send money to the Diocese) and give to local charities.
Well but I think her point is that if you’re in the Archdiocese of Washington D.C., you’ e unknowingly been giving money to people like this.

It’s a tough issue for sure.
Well but I think her point is that if you’re in the Archdiocese of Washington D.C., you’ e unknowingly been giving money to people like this.
No, you have been giving money to the churches and parishes and so forth in the Archdiocese of Washington DC, to the charities for the poor that it supports, etc. It was not going into McCarrick’s pocket.

In addition, so far there are no claims against McCarrick during his time in DC. He was only in charge there for 6 years and resigned as head of that Archdiocese 11 years ago. I’m not aware of any allegations against his successor.

“People like this” is slander as it implies that there are a whole group of people committing some sort of sexual impropriety running rampant in the DC Archdiocese. I am seeing no evidence of this.
Cardinal Wuerl has been the Archbishop of Washington DC since 2006! No.

The Author is way off base.
Hasn’t it been established that many people knew of his “indiscretions” and did nothing? I think that’s what the author is getting at here.
Ok, sorry Archdiocese of NY or wherever else he’s been. Same point.
He had been retired since May 2006!

The author does not have a point. Her article is fringe hateful nonsense.
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Well, actually she does. Because a lot of people are rightfully ticked off about this situation and don’t see any change coming to prevent it from happening again. It’s called accountability and it’s needed at every organization big and small.
I imagine she’s watched her Church decimated by these heretics to the point where relativity and ignorance of the faith rule the day. Keep on going on with your charade as if everything’s alright while the rest of us deal with the fallout of the past 50 years.

Also, tithing is mentioned in the documents of the Council of Trent. Many Catholics do not tithe but we should.
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