your face guidance from God

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A prayer of mine has been answered in a large, obvious way! My husband travels monday thru. Thursday…sometimes Friday on a weekly basis. This has been for three years now, and a very very difficult situation for us as a couple and it has been top on my prayer list that he might find something soon, closer to home. He took the job because it was a largish promotion, and supposebly temporary…

This is the interesting “spiritual” side…My husband and his mother were very, very close. When she died my H. developed an anger toward God Himself. All these years I have been trying to encourage him by telling him that his mother was such a beautiful Christian woman…a role model, and I’ve tried to explain our Catholic position (he was Baptist) reassuring him that since she was a faithful servant to the Lord, she could be in position to pray for her son, and intercede for us here in Life. I do this, often imploring mom to pray for my Husband.

When he received the first job offer, he had worked on the lines for ten years. This is despite the fact that he had two college degrees in Business and Human resources. He was becoming very frustrated that he wasn’t able to follow the path he worked so hard in school to accomplish. Finally, three years ago they offered this job, putting his education to work. It would be difficult, but we didn’t give that a second thought, because He was to begin May 1st…the date of his mother’s passing

It has been hard…we’ve worked through the trials…and I think our marriage is stronger because of it. We lately have been missing each other, and he misses the girls…and so I have been praying hard that the Lord might end this particular trial…I’ve also been asking my H’s mom to pray for this intention…I told my husband this…wanting him to see my Catholic faith at work…

Well…he got a job offer within the company in his desired field of work, there will be travel, but 90% less…he recieved this offer last month…and they asked that he begin this new job on May 1st…the date of his mothers passing!!!
is that not amazing? I have been singing the Lord’s praises for weeks now…I am floating…because the most important thing is that my Husband is now looking into RCIA…which he couldn’t before due to travel…and…I can point to his mother’s definate intercession! Some might say it is coincidence…but I think definately NOT. It is fitting that this is the day that has been chosen. My husband has the awfulest time on May 1st…God is the supreme Healer…Always knowing how to speak with us if we listen…
:extrahappy: :amen:
Thanks, mom. I’m sure she also had help from our Mother Mary in her intercession.

My mother also, IMO, began interceding on behalf of her family in a big way immediately after her death after a protracted bout with cancer. The signs are too numerous to list, but all point to her interecession on our behalf. Her period of dying, death and mourning was a source of immense graces to our family.
Thanks, mom. I’m sure she also had help from our Mother Mary in her intercession.

My mother also, IMO, began interceding on behalf of her family in a big way immediately after her death after a protracted bout with cancer. The signs are too numerous to list, but all point to her interecession on our behalf. Her period of dying, death and mourning was a source of immense graces to our family.
Oh most definately…Mother Mary played a role…I say a rosary daily on my Husbands behalf…and it looks as though she has definately smiled upon me!

The Good Lord knows how to heal my husband’s heart…using that Date is something that will work wonders to melt the anger and pain that he has felt…
That is most wonderful. Congratulations! 🙂 Now, pray for your husband’s conversion, but don’t tell him about it. 😉
That is most wonderful. Congratulations! 🙂 Now, pray for your husband’s conversion, but don’t tell him about it. 😉
Oh yes…I think that is coming. He told me a month ago that He could not find fault with the Catholic Church…

This beautiful example of the faith at work, I feel, will push him over the edge, he’ll swim the Tibre soon…I feel it.
Oh yes…I think that is coming. He told me a month ago that He could not find fault with the Catholic Church…

This beautiful example of the faith at work, I feel, will push him over the edge, he’ll swim the Tibre soon…I feel it.
God is good! I was just thinking that the other day.

My older sister, who has strayed from the Faith, had a child June last year. We all thought she would never agree to the poor little one’s being baptised, but prayed hard about it. A few days ago I was talking to my mother who told me that it looks to be happening in two months time!
Isn’t it wonderful when He chooses to work so clearly in our lives? I know that several times in the last few years I’ve gotten a ‘slap in the face’ from God, like He was telling me “See? Here I Am, now do what I tell you!” 😃 He is so good!
Isn’t it wonderful when He chooses to work so clearly in our lives? I know that several times in the last few years I’ve gotten a ‘slap in the face’ from God, like He was telling me “See? Here I Am, now do what I tell you!” 😃 He is so good!
I have had a lot of these face slaps also…I look forward to every one!

God Bless you
i know… HE does guide us in the right way…

I remember a couple of weeks ago, I was feeling so much at peace about my divorce and kept telling everyone how i had such a sense of peace about it and that same week, the pastor at the church said that “if you say that you are feeling a sense of peace about the divorce, you are wrong as that is against the word of God!!”
and this was something that was totally out of context with the sermon so I know it was God speaking to me…


however, the more i see the things that he is doing, the more i know that Jesus took me out of the marriage for a reason…

so how do i reconcile the 2 feelings??? :confused: :confused:
i know… HE does guide us in the right way…

I remember a couple of weeks ago, I was feeling so much at peace about my divorce and kept telling everyone how i had such a sense of peace about it and that same week, the pastor at the church said that “if you say that you are feeling a sense of peace about the divorce, you are wrong as that is against the word of God!!”
and this was something that was totally out of context with the sermon so I know it was God speaking to me…


however, the more i see the things that he is doing, the more i know that Jesus took me out of the marriage for a reason…

so how do i reconcile the 2 feelings??? :confused: :confused:
My really short answer would be to file for an anullment…there is peace and forgiveness in this great service that the Church offers us…Pray for your former Husband also…

Peace truely be with you!!
I glad to hear things are working out for you all and your prayers are being answered. Enjoy, Tim
Thanks so much for posting this. It is beautiful. I love to hear how God works in people’s lives. I know He always is, but I think we forget that sometimes.
I am so happy for you and your husband. I will pray for his conversion. Should be coming along soon by the sound of it!
God bless
Thanks so much for posting this. It is beautiful. I love to hear how God works in people’s lives. I know He always is, but I think we forget that sometimes.
I am so happy for you and your husband. I will pray for his conversion. Should be coming along soon by the sound of it!
God bless
It was a pleasure to post this. How often do we see a confirmation of intercession? I would love to hear everybody elses’ mini-miracles also…we should tell these often to remember how close God really is and how He really does rule our world.
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