Writing a Letter

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Good afternoon all! I want to formally begin the discernment process, and I also want to write a request to the Vocation Director on how I would join the Passionists. I’m having trouble on what I should include, can someone help me? This is what I have so far:

Dear Father,
My name is John Doe, and I am writing to you seeking guidance as I discern my vocation. I had e-mailed you a while back, but I will reintroduce myself. I am a fifteen year old cradle-Catholic from New England, and I first felt the calling to the priesthood when I was around ten years old. About a year ago, through the intercession of Saint Gemma Galgani, I began to think about joining the Passionists. To this day, I wear the Black Scapular of the Passion and a picture of Gemma Galgani around my neck. This September, I will be entering my Sophomore year of high school, and I will soon be meeting with my guidance counselor to discuss my future.

Thank you for the help!
Just write the Passionists directly. They would love to hear from you!

Cloisters (Confraternity of the Passion member)
@Cloister this is being sent to the Provincial Vocation Director of the Passionists. What do you think I should include?
Can you not just call the vocation director? When I started to discern the Permanent Diacoante, that is how I did it. A 10 minute phone call answered a ton of my questions and got me an appointment with him to discuss further. Granted, this was the diaconate, which is different than the Passionist, but the idea should be the same.

God bless you!

Good afternoon all! I want to formally begin the discernment process, and I also want to write a request to the Vocation Director on how I would join the Passionists. I’m having trouble on what I should include, can someone help me?
It would probably help if you said something about what attracts you to the Passionist life, what you know about their charism and what your prayer / faith life is like (this includes things like involvement in your parish). At your stage in life, it’s not so much about preparing to enter (which is several years away at the very least) but rather about making initial contact and establishing a relationship which may (or may not) lead you to formally apply to join their order at some point in the future.
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