Writing about a retreat

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A couple Catholic characters in my work in progress are going on a retreat. I found this example of a schedule online. What are the “conferences” like? What is discussed, and between whom?
The conferences at retreats can vary, but many are focused on the theme of the retreat.

What you show is a semi-directed retreat where conferences and sacraments are provided at a scheduled time.

It depends on the place the retreat is held.

I use to go on retreats with the Passionists, and it was a directed retreat. Retreats were their bread and butter.

Later, I started going on retreats at a Trappist Monastery. Their retreats are not directed and there is only one talk by the retreat master, and it’s optional. The schedule provided follows the monks daily schedule and retreatants are allowed to attend Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours with the monk.

In all, retreats are well worth it. If you feel God calling you to go on a retreat, do it !
Can you give me examples of conference topics? I’m writing about a retreat for recently graduated high school seniors, maybe three or four weeks before Easter.
It varies according to the group that’s on retreat.

Obviously, the topic at a retreat conference for high-school seniors is going to be relevant for them, rather than a group of old men, like the one’s I’ve been on.

The conferences at the retreats I was on were generally about prayer and our spiritual journey. in our lives.
There are many types of retreats. I have been on 2 different ones. The first was an ACTS retreat which is directed and tightly scheduled. The discussions (called table talks) are about one of the four points ACTS covers; Adoration, Community, Theology, Service.

The other retreat I have been on is called Encounter With Jesus. It is basically a Silent retreat except when the retreat team discuss various ways of encountering Jesus in day to day life.

Those are just two examples I know of.

There are as many topics as there are things to know about our Faith.

For teens it could be a huge, charismatic conference like Stubenville

A peer led retreat like this

A social justice focused retreat like this


An Ignatian silent retreat, a Confirmation retreat, a chastity retreat, a pro life retreat, a prayer retreat, on and on and on.
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