Wrong to listen to this music...help?

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Hey, I’m a devout Catholic who is always trying to “uproot” any unholy aspects to my life (movie watching, etc). However, I do enjoy the same zany rock-and-roll that many also do…Queen, David Bowie, Elton John. I’m not sure about Bowie, but I know about the late Freddie Mercury of Queen and Elton John and their homosexuality. Is it “wrong” for me to listen to their tunes as a Catholic? I now realize that Mercury and John are singing to/about a man, but I think of my lady when I here these…so is it o.k.? Thanks guys and dolls. God bless.

oooo… good question. And we have comparible musical taste. I saw Bowie last year after waiting YEARS to see him, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I understand the conflict you describe. And I’m not sure I have the answer. But whenever I hear such artists, I realize that it is ok to appreciate the purity and the soul of the art they have produced, … and at the same time see their humanity, frailty, and beauty.
I generally pay little attention to their personal lives. ( I was happy when Bowie married and had children though!)

I always remember as a child listening to Elton John’s “Madman Across the Water”… which I always felt was his greatest effort.
Music reflects the soul, trials, joys, and struggles of humans, and this album did so beautifully IMHO.

I think there is a fine line to be observed, and if secular music causes you to stumble you should certainly avoid it. But I have always been able to appreciate it for the beauty and talent it brings… being conscious of the messages it sends if they negative, positive, or just a statement of human condition.
But I have always been able to recognize the difference between what is a pure human expression… and the other offerings that are just trash.

So - I don’t think it is nesassary to ‘uproot’ rock-n-roll (gasp)… We just have a different perspective… knowing that there is a human being behind the artist who is created in the image and likeness of God… and is struggling through life, just as we are.

I don’t think it’s wrong at all. What does their sexuality have to do with their music?
Hey, I’m a devout Catholic who is always trying to “uproot” any unholy aspects to my life (movie watching, etc). However, I do enjoy the same zany rock-and-roll that many also do…Queen, David Bowie, Elton John. I’m not sure about Bowie, but I know about the late Freddie Mercury of Queen and Elton John and their homosexuality. Is it “wrong” for me to listen to their tunes as a Catholic? I now realize that Mercury and John are singing to/about a man, but I think of my lady when I here these…so is it o.k.? Thanks guys and dolls. God bless.

I am a huge fan of Tchaikovsky and have not given it a minutes thought as whehter, giving his sexual behavior, it was wrong to listen to his musci. I wouldnt worry about it.
You think you have problems… I happen to like quite a lot of Eminem’s music.
Hey point taken guys. I agree with you all…just trying to tie-up all the loose ends, so to speak. I guess if you can take something…anything and put a positive spin on it, then it can’t be bad. Anyway, I can’t help but inquire about this as I can sometimes be very technical about my faith. God bless you all.

It is really a question of whether it affects your spirituality. If listening to such music leads you into temptation or in some way impedes your relationship with Christ, then no, you shouldn’t listen to it.

If, however, such music doesn’t affect you personally that way, then you are certainly free to continue to listen to it. I’m something of a metal head, personally.

One place where scripture does draw the line on matters like this is how your actions might affect your fellow believers:
1Co 8:9-13 (DRV):
But take heed lest perhaps this your liberty become a stumblingblock to the weak. For if a man see him that hath knowledge sit at meat in the idol’s temple, shall not his conscience, being weak, be emboldened to eat those things which are sacrificed to idols? And through thy knowledge shall the weak brother perish, for whom Christ hath died?
Now when you sin thus against the brethren and wound their weak conscience, you sin against Christ. Wherefore, if meat scandalize my brother, I will never eat flesh, lest I should scandalize my brother.
There are those whose faith is such that listening to such music is a stumbling block for them. We need to understand and respect that. What is not a problem for one of us may be an occaision of sin for another.

If someone feels that it is wrong to listen to such things, we need to respect that for them it might be true and not try to sway them to our perspective.
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