Wrong Vocation?

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Before I was married I seriously discerned religious life for 4 years prior. I felt God tugging at my heart constantly but I couldn’t understand if that meant I should enter religious life or just pray more. Then I met my husband online. It was a whirlwind romance for us. Within 8 months we were married. He was my first BF and I hadn’t had any experience with romantic relationships beforehand. I fell head over heels for him. about a month before I got married I felt the idea of religious life tugging at my heart again. This time it was very painful to endure. I couldn’t bear the thought of living life without my husband by my side. I remember a moment when I was telling him about how I felt and he offered to call things off if I needed to. But that just made me burst into tears. I couldn’t handle it. I love my husband deeply, but even after 2 years, I feel a longing for a Christ-centered community and I can’t help but think that I made the wrong choice. But, I can’t figure out if this is real or just a temptation from Satan to distract me from my marriage. The fact that I haven’t been able to conceive just adds to my thought that I wasn’t meant for marriage. Can anyone offer any advice on this situation? What should I think?
when you say, religious life, are you speaking of becoming a chaste nun? And is it true that once a woman becomes, is ordained, a ‘nun’, that she cannot leave the religious?
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First, Daverod, nuns are not “ordained.” They take vows; only priests are ordained.

To the OP, have you looked into Secular Orders (Franciscan, Dominican, Carmelite), or Benedictine Oblates? Also, many religious communities have Associates or “Co-Members” who can be married (or even male). I’m an Associate of a women’s congregation. You should explore the charisms of the orders that most appeal to you, and then see if these options might work for you. Secular Franciscans (or Dominicans or Carmelites) are “real” members of those orders, and live the charism in the lay state. So do Benedictine Oblates.
Please, please do not take this the wrong.way. It seems that you want it both ways. You are obviously a good person. You are married now, you entered into the sacrament of Matrimony and you sound like you love your husband very much Maybe. Jesus is calling you,to be a lay person in some order. So many people need love and understanding Settl down you’ll be alright… Take care and God Bless you:🦋🦋🦋.
The cloister is God and the soul. The building is irrelevant. This is one thing I keep trying to drive home to those who are supposed to be living the life of consecration, but seem to let titles get in the way. St Therese’s Little Way; the Spiritual Directory of St. Francis de Sales; and the writings of St. Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross are for everyone.

Interior and exterior silence are the requirements of a devout life. Adore God in the soul while taking care of your husband. Obedience to him as you would a superior. Poverty by living a simple life. Chastity by, well, I think you can see where I’m going with that one. As part of the simple life, adopt a simple wardrobe, if not adopting a distinctive garb. I’ve taken to wearing cargo scrub pants because I need pockets to carry out Daily Duty. If the temps are over 70-75, I wear all white. Once the temps go below that range, I color code my days, alternating beige and black cargo scrub pants with colored shirts. I also have a range of ball caps I wear, as I practice covering.

Get a spiritual director, and see what the three of you discern concerning your childless situation. Perhaps you could take some special needs courses and either engage in respite care or adopt special needs children.

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
You’re suffering from a particular problem that many suffer from called “The grass is always greener on the other side.” I’d just let your nun dreams go and keep on with your marriage vocation. You might like joining “Opus Dei.”
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I just started a thread called The Cloistered Heart. This heart monasticism was developed by Nancy Shuman. Her book by the same name is available from major outlets.


One prayer you could pray is “Give me my vocation or give me peace!” Ask the Holy Ghost for clarification as to how you’re supposed to put these desires for the cloister to work in your marriage. And please do retain a spiritual director. One of the purposes of marriage is to bring forth children. Obviously, you love your husband, so you’re still in the right place.

Don’t go looking for the cross, it will find you. If you and your husband make yourselves and your childlessness available to God, the answer may come with abundance.
Yes, I do have some advice: I’d say that it’s time to schedule an appointment with your pastor, who may choose to put you in touch with a spiritual director.

In my view, we all too often give everyone the same discernment advice that we give young men considering Holy Orders. The difference is that other vocations or vows do not ascribe a particular character to the soul as Holy Orders do, and so many young people thus engage in a lot of unnecessary, often neurotic, introspection in vain. Scripture and doctrine make it clear that marriage is our natural vocation, how we are best to live in society on earth. Likewise, religion or consecration is our supernatural vocation, a foretaste of how we shall live in the presence of God in heaven. Too often, we look for some type of sign without considering that we have the responsibility of assessing our available options, temperament, education, family background, and so forth, and making a choice.

When we consider that we must make a choice, or have made a choice, then we must be on guard for the “noonday devil,” that which tries to convince us some time after having made our choice that we chose wrongly. Consider that many other married people are thinking much the same way as you, and that certainly there is a sister somewhere in the world, perhaps one not personally dissimilar from you, who is questioning whether she truly should have taken her vows. We all, indeed, must live with the consequences of our choices.

Experience shows me that when people start thinking the way you are, it indicates not so much a discontent with their state of life, but with other circumstances of their lives. We cannot undo what has been done, but we can add onto it. Think, TTF, do you see your life now (not just your marriage, but your career, your friends, your social life, etc.) as harmonious with your dominant interests, your capacities, your future prospects? Go through and indicate where it is not, and then prayerfully amend it. The only thing worse than seeing your life as a failure is casting blame for that somewhere instead of moving to fix it. “Vocation” is not a once-and-for-all thing that becomes fixed in our youth; it’s a lifelong endavour and process, encompassing not just the state-of-life vocations we tend to think about, but unique personal and professional vocations and so forth.

I suggest a talk with your pastor in large part because a person’s piety is so instrumental to navigating these sometimes treacherous shoals. It allows us, at least now and again, to rise into the heights of self-sacrifice and divine love necessary to continue fulfilling our duties in this world while seeking out the other opportunities that will allow us to cooperate with God and to fulfill those other duties He may have for us if we are fitted and willing to take them. A pastor at least, we should hope, is able to understand the state of your soul and to aid it in diagnosing its vexations. Perhaps you may benefit from other contacts in the Church or the community that you may not even know existed, such as third orders or confraternities. You’ll never know unless you inquire.

God bless.
Reminds me of what I read somewhere “The grass is not greener on the other side of the fence, the grass is greener where you tend to the grass.”
I think, in large part, it can be considered a temptation. God’s will for your life now is to be the best wife and mom you possibly can be. And seeking the “religious life” is something you may do now, but as a married, not beyond that. Seek God in ways you feel attracted, so long as that aspect of your life does not lead you to neglect the duties of your state in life. You need to be very careful on this point.

Perhaps you should read up on the Lives of the Saints who achieved a very high degree of holiness as married persons in the world. I’m sure there are very many to inspire you. I know there must be some good books on Married Saints.

Zelie Martin explored religious life but was turned down by the superior. She was still amazingly devout in her vocation as mom. The family can be a little religious community in its own right, and you still can become a saint exactly where you are now. All five of her surviving daughters became nuns and she, in turn, was canonized.

Plus, have you explored the secular Carmelites? Or some other third order community could provide you with the sense of religious community that you are wishing for.

Above all else, don’t dwell on what can’t be. That is pointless, and not the will of God. Become Holy where God has planted you.
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