XM Radio Update - Catholic content - action request

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From an e-mail I rcv’d this a.m.:

Dear friends of Catholic Radio,

I have been urged to ask you once again to contact XM Radio.

XM radio was kind enough to offer a “Special Event” to their listeners over the past few months. Of course the event was the passing, and burial of John Paul II and the installation of Pope Benedict the XVI.

During that time XM Broadcast programming from Ave Maria Radio, EWTN and Vatican Radio on their “Special Events” channel.

Now that the “event” is over, XM no longer has any Catholic programming.

Let XM know you appreciate their efforts and that now is the time to carry on with even more Catholic programming.

One of the many kind people on this list wrote this to me …


I’m urging you again…NOW is the time to revisit
each person on your mailing list and implore them to
again contact XM…while Catholic Radio is FRESH in their minds.

Strike while the iron is hot. The iron is cooling

If I can help in some way, I am willing. This is
too important an opportunity to waste.

Thank you for your efforts,

Sean from Indiana

Do you feel like Sean? if so click here and let XM know.


The process is the same as last time, thanks for your help.

Pray that everyone will have Catholic Radio soon.


Michael P. Jones
Vice President, General Manager
Ave Maria Radio
Thanks for the reminder. Now that have XM, I sure would like to see them finally carry Ave Maria or EWTN. I’m thankful that they did for the papal coverage (my cable carrier sure dropped the ball there), but am saddened that they dropped it after the installation Mass.
From an e-mail I rcv’d this a.m.:

Dear friends of Catholic Radio,

I have been urged to ask you once again to contact XM Radio.

XM radio was kind enough to offer a “Special Event” to their listeners over the past few months. Of course the event was the passing, and burial of John Paul II and the installation of Pope Benedict the XVI.

During that time XM Broadcast programming from Ave Maria Radio, EWTN and Vatican Radio on their “Special Events” channel.

Now that the “event” is over, XM no longer has any Catholic programming.

Let XM know you appreciate their efforts and that now is the time to carry on with even more Catholic programming.

One of the many kind people on this list wrote this to me …


I’m urging you again…NOW is the time to revisit
each person on your mailing list and implore them to
again contact XM…while Catholic Radio is FRESH in their minds.

Strike while the iron is hot. The iron is cooling

If I can help in some way, I am willing. This is
too important an opportunity to waste.

Thank you for your efforts,

Sean from Indiana

Do you feel like Sean? if so click here and let XM know.


The process is the same as last time, thanks for your help.

Pray that everyone will have Catholic Radio soon.


Michael P. Jones
Vice President, General Manager
Ave Maria Radio
How odd, I came to this forum with the express purpose of posting on this very topic! I guess there are no coincidences!

I emailed a XM a couple days ago, through the link (provided to me by someone from EWTN). XM didn’t even respond.

Everyone-- current customers and those who are considering satellite radio-- please put in the word over at XM. Since one in every four people in this country are Catholic, it seems that the market (us) is there for them.

We subscribe to Sirius which carries EWTN. Love it, even though it is now home to Howard Stern and Martha Stewart :rolleyes:
I’ve been an XM subscriber for a couple years. I e-mailed them during the conclave and thanked them for their coverage.
I will e-mail and nag them some more! 😉
I applaud Sirius for putting EWTN on some time ago. I really like Sirius, despite some of the questionable content. Parental controls are available on some radios that allow lock-out. Several automakers are adding Sirius to their radios, and you can buy them at most electronics stores.

Satellite radio channel space costs $$$$ - a very aggressive email campaign will be needed to get XM to move, IMO. I believe they will listen if they get enough interest.
I am currently considering purchasing satellite radio. Obviously my two choices are XM and Sirius. A strong interest of mine is Catholic Radio (EWTN, Ave Maria Radio). Only Sirius carries EWTN and this is leaning me towards them.
However, because of Sirius’ affiliation with Howard Stern, I am hesitant to use their service. I stongly disagree with Mr. Stern’s views and try to avoid any of his supporters.
Other than your lack of Catholic programming (a minus for you) and Sirius’ affiliation with Mr. Stern (a minus for them), I feel that XM and Sirius are of equal quality. If XM were to offer Catholic programming (particularly EWTN), it would put me heavily in favor of XM.
Thank you for you time,
Richard S********
This is what I just emailed to XM
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