I am pleased to report that in the diocese of Rockford, IL there have been many opportunities to grow in this Year of Faith. Our bishop is very inspirational and active in reaching out to his flock with encouraging words and actions. He sponsors a lecture series that he makes available via live-streaming and archived later.
On a local level the offerings are plentiful, but I am disappointed with the turn out of attendees. Looking around and chit-chatting with acquaintances I’d say 4 out of five have committed to doing anything for this Year. 3 out of five are doing something for Lent. The others just don’t have time (so they say).
My calendar is full and I am feeling the strain of juggling so many activities between work and family, but I am getting so much out of the activities that I confess I’ve let my work productivity slide in lieu of my spiritual. I follow the Year of Faith website, the USCCB website, Catholic News Service, and this forum. It sure keeps me busy and connects me to so many informative pages.