If you need to ask. Yes, it’s a sin.
I don;t think that picking a weed from a private lot would be a sin unless there was a sign against trespassing, etc. However, if you are in a garden of a park and there is a sign saying “Do Not Pick the Flowers” , then it would be wrong to pick a flower.Is it a sin for my daughter to pick a dandelion weed from my neighbor’s yard to give to me?
It is always good to ask if a sin would be mortal or venial for future reference.
I always knew that combing my bangs was a sin deep down inside, but I never had the courage to ask.If you need to ask. Yes, it’s a sin.
I do agree with this statement generally, but some people—like myself—have no real relationship with their parish priest and/or go to different parishes regularly.Keep those questions for your parish priest. :+1:t4:
Here it will be well to remark, what is unanimously admitted by all theologians, even of the rigorist school, that persons who have during a considerable period of time been leading a virtuous life, and live
habitually in the fear of God, whenever they are in doubt, and are not certain whether they have given consent to a grievous sin, ought to be perfectly assured that they have not lost the Divine grace; for it is morally impossible that the will, confirmed in its good purposes for a considerable lapse of time, should on a sudden undergo so total a change as at once to consent to a mortal sin without clearly knowing it; the reason of it is, that mortal sin is so horrible a monster that it cannot possible enter a soul by which it has long been held in abhorrence, without her being fully aware of it. We have proved this at length in our Moral Theology. [Lib. 6, D. 476.] St. Teresa said: No one is lost without knowing it; and no one is deceived without the will to be deceived. [Life, addit.]
is that in the Gospel somewhere?If you need to ask. Yes, it’s a sin.
Here on these forums, very often, if you need to ask you may be scrupulous and, no, it probably isn’t a sin - or at least it’s almost certainly not a mortal sin.If you need to ask. Yes, it’s a sin.
Be careful what you say in these forums. There are some very scrupulous members and what you said could panic them.If you need to ask. Yes, it’s a sin.
And we wonder why so many people have problems with scrupulosity…If you need to ask. Yes, it’s a sin.