Yoga teacher says, “Hating THAT MAN (Jesus) is my greatest pleasure”

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Yesterday a friend called me and when I mentioned the name of Our Lord in the course of conversation, she started off on a huge tirade of hate, saying the Christian God was mean to her and blaming Him for her difficult work situation and the ethnic prejudice she experiences. She’s not often like that but she has done it before. She’s a cradle Catholic who left the Church and is deeply into yoga and neo-Hinduism.

After letting her vent, I observed that the reason she blamed Him and not Shiva was because deep down she knows that Jesus Christ is alive and responsible for the world, and Shiva is not. I advised her to try to get enough sleep, even if it meant cutting back her volunteer teaching at the yoga center, and not to be too hard on herself. Psychologically that seemed to be sound advice – I’ve struggled with work burnout too – but I wonder if there is a spookier side to it. The purpose of yoga is to open a person to “spiritual” influences which are by definition not of Christ. Some years ago my friend told me of fellow yoga disciples who would not sleep at the yoga center or at her home for fear of demons or ghosts. I didn’t think much of it, because I knew these people and was aware that they had mental health problems. Still, one never knows… I got to thinking that my friend never pronounced the name of Jesus during our conversation, but called Him “that one”. What was she afraid of??

Can any of you give me advice on how to help my friend, both on the human and the spiritual level? I offer prayer, adoration before the Blessed Sacrament, and hearing Mass in intercession for her. When she is more relaxed we often talk about spirituality and she does lend an ear to my witness on behalf of Christ and His Church, for whose traditions she still has a kind of sentimental respect when she is not in these moods. Mostly I have tried to be there for her and be a good listener, but in a situation like this, “good listening” alone seems dangerously unhelpful.


Praise God our Lord has big shoulders. Our God takes all the blame for what the enemy[satan] does. Satan is a deciever and a liar.So they blame God for all the misfortunes.I also believe Yoga opens the door and gives satan a foothold. Your friend has a lot of anger, bitterness, hate ,resentment, ect. in her and until it is released satan will continue to polute her mind with lies.You cannot say Jesus is Lord unless you have the Holy Spirit in you. Your friend needs a spiritual cleaning that only Jesus can do. She needs to come before the Lord and repent and ask for forgiveness .God Bless.
vienna, I am concerned because of two things you said.

She could not say ,“Jesus”. Father Amorth, a great Exorcist in Rome, says the evil spirit does not say the name of Jesus or Mary, it is too painful to them. Evil Spirits say,“Him, He, That Man, etc”. They say ,“That woman, Her, etc”. If she will not say Jesus or Mary, I would be very wary, take precautions and pray the St. Michael’s Prayer after talking to her.

The second thing was that those people will not sleep at the two places. This is suggestive of Evil Spirits being there. There is not a lot you can do for them, they need a Priest. But you can protect your self. See this site of St. Michael. Look in lower left for Spiritual Warfare.
what you described is very concerning. It sounds like she definitely has some psychological issues, but I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there is a deeper, darker, supernatural cause of this. Personally, I wouldn’t want to spend time with such a person - it would be too upsetting and disturbing. Keep up the good work with praying for her, the Masses, and the St Michael prayer. But seriously consider if you need to associate with her - I’d be worried about your own safety if she is indeed under some demonic influence.
Pray for this woman, someone recommended St. mikes website. There is a spiritual warfare catalogue there with a “prayer for a friend”. I had a friend who was in a very bad way. She also did not say the name of Jesus.

I brought it to her attention, and she denied it saying she could say His name if she wanted to, that she just didn’t want to. I pressed her and she finally said it, and immediately vomited (violently). Another time, I was encouraging her to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with me. When I started singing it, she literally began to howl.
Pray for this woman, someone recommended St. mikes website. There is a spiritual warfare catalogue there with a “prayer for a friend”. I had a friend who was in a very bad way. She also did not say the name of Jesus.

I brought it to her attention, and she denied it saying she could say His name if she wanted to, that she just didn’t want to. I pressed her and she finally said it, and immediately vomited (violently). Another time, I was encouraging her to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy with me. When I started singing it, she literally began to howl.
Vienna & Ana 👋

That is some very serious stuff. She needs a professional. I highly recommend St. Mike’s web site and the Intercessors of the Lamb (faithful Catholic religious order :yup: ).

Home page

Prayer request

The Intercessors specialize in spiritual warfare and will respond back telling you what the Lord was revealing to them. Be detailed in your prayer request.

If the yoga teacher really understood Yoga, she wouldn’t be blaming Jesus Christ, nor Shiva, nor anyone else for her predicaments. Her blaming sounds more like a cop out, than a result of Yoga practice.

However, Yoga is not for everyone, and some may be mentally destablized if they try to practice it under a false teacher. As a non-Catholic who practices Yoga, I would suggest that you meet her on her own level. Since she obviously has some issues regarding the Catholic Church, you might want to first convince her that the teachings of Jesus are compatible with Yoga. (I know you may not agree, but she may need to understand that.) I recommend that she read The Sermon on the Mount According to Vedanta. Then, once she has come to terms with Jesus, she will be able to make a reasoned, non-reactive decision concerning whether she wants to join the Catholic Church or some other church.
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