You Are What You Eat

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Often we may feel frustrated because we cannot remember what we have read during lectio. Perhaps you’ve had the experience of wanting to tell someone of a great book you are reading but cannot even remember the title or author much less what it is you just read. This may lead you to believe that you are getting nowhere with lectio, that nothing is happening, that you can’t even remember what you read. But don’t be deceived. I would like to suggest that lectio is very much like eating. Why do we eat good meals a couple of times a day? To sustain life, to promote health. But what if I can’t remember what I ate? How many can remember what they had for dinner three days ago? If we can’t remember do we stop eating for all that? Of course not! We don’t eat to remember but to nourish our bodies. So too with lectio. We do not read to remember but to give life to our spirit. In the course of faithful lectio my inner being is nourished by the Word of God and slowly transformed by it. Attitudinal changes subltly occur. Perceptions change, priorities change. Slowly but surely I become more Christ-like. When we eat food we change that food into ourselves-in a sense we become what we eat. When we do lectio we are transformed into what we read - in sense we become what we read. ~ Bro. Anthony~
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