As a young adult I sometimes find it difficult to relate to the older generations as their lifestyle growing up was completely different than now. I feel that there are many topics in which it’s hard to make a connection from one generation to the next. Take for example cohabitation. When talking with people of a my age, it’s the same thing, for the financial benefit and it seems as though religion plays no factor. When you speak with the older generations on this, they may not seem to fully understand the popularity of this within our world and see it as unthinkable because that’s not how they grew up. I am not at all in favor of cohabitation, I’m just looking for opinions from same aged people, because majority of my friends find there to be nothing wrong with it. In general I’m trying to connect with similar aged people, who might be sharing similar thoughts and situations, looking for that ray of hope that there are others their age sharing the same mindset and values. In this world being my age I feel like I an singled out because the role my faith and religion play in my life, I just want to feel supported with others there to back me up.