Young Catholic

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My name is Joe and I am a 20 year old catholic. Although never confirmed I went to a catholic church throughout my childhood where I received First Communion and Reconciliation. The church of my childhood didn’t assert much effort into appealing to the younger generation and although I never lost faith I eventually became disheartened and disinterested with the idea of organized religeon. Years laters after many years of living only for my own selfish desires I refound a love for Jesus and my Catholic religeon, but in a Christian nondenominational church. I still believe in the teachings and doctrines of catholicism but am bored to tears in Mass. I feel a love for God and a heart for worship at the Christian church that no matter how bad I want to I can’t seem to find at my catholic mass. I have found through my curiousity that this is not uncommon among young catholics. My first question is: Is it wrong for me to attend a christian church weekly if i still hold on to Catholic beliefs? My second question being : Is the catholic church aware of the lack of attractiveness to new believers? Is there a way to locate a catholic church geared more toward a younger crowd?
Is it wrong for me to attend a christian church weekly if i still hold on to Catholic beliefs?
If you really hold all that Catholicism teaches, then you are to attend Mass weekly–either on Sunday, or on Saturday evening. You are free to attend another church’s services, but if you are Catholic you should be going to Catholic Mass. There is nothing wrong with going to other services–I did myself, once (it was more of a “fact-finding mission” than anything).
If you begin to study the Scripture more and learn what is happening at the Mass, it becomes the closest thing to heaven on earth. The Mass is worship, it is not entertainment. It is prayer, it is sacrifice, it is communion with our brothers and sisters in Christ. It is the re-presentation of Calvary where Jesus really and truly becomes present on the altar, then gives Himself to us in Holy Communion! It is a celebration that occurs on earth and in heaven together!

Log onto and look at some of the books that explain the Mass. I might suggest the booklets Mass Appeal and Mass Confusion by Jimmy Akin; The Lamb’s Supper by Scott Hahn and maybe Catholicism for Dummies (in which I think any Catholic can pick up and learn something new).

Good bible study also available on the web for free is found at The beginning study is currently on the The Bible and The Mass – perfect for you!

May God bless you and guide you in your journey back home to the Catholic Church. Wise men still seek Him… Merry Christmas!

I have been away from these forums for a while. Been busy at work. You may find the Mass a little boring because you don’t fully appreciate what is happenning. There is actually a miracle taking place on the altar. During the consecration the same sacrifice of Calavary is becoming present on the alatar. The passion and death of our Lord is there. In the modern Church it is a bit bland admittedly. We are all sinners and our Lord offers himself as the victim for us at each Mass in an unbloody way. With God there is no time so this sacrifice can be made present at any Mass. At Mass try to unite yourself to Christ in his passion and death and also offer him up as the sacrifice you need to atone for your sins. Then eat the bread of life. By eating the victim you gain many graces and blessings.
Go to this link and read the chapter from St Johns Gospel-
Christ is not only our victim but he is our spiritual food. He laid down his life so that we may live. I suggest going to this next link to gain a deeper understanding of the Mass. please let me know what you think. The following link will give you an endless potential to explore the Mass and the Eucharist. It’s a vast amount of reading but try reading the first few sectons and take it from there.
The eucharist is the ultimate gift from God to us. In it the Holy Trinity gives himself to us totally to be our food. Toatlly. No holds barred. The eucharist is the ultimate gift of God to his people. So it warrants some research.
If you want me to provide more (name removed by moderator)ut on this subject PM me and be patient. God bless you.
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