This is my first post here, I’ve been browsing this forum for quite awhile, and it’s great!!
My husband and I are both 29 (okay, so were slowing growing out of the ‘young couple’ catagory!) we have been married for 9 years, and our 7th child is due in November. While we are no longer the youngest couple in our great group of Catholic friends, we are certainly the youngest with 7 children!! It is very hard for other women my age, even Catholic women my age, to relate or understand why I embrace my faith the way I do in this world that we live in. It can be disheartening, but, I consider that a very small burden. The harder part for me is NOT having support, encouragement, or understanding from my family. And then, there are those rude strangers that are always asking me, “do they all have the same daddy?” Aye!!
~Lisa, wife to Tony,
mama to Nicholas, Abigail, Gabriel, Isaac, Mary, Samuel, and baby due in November