I’m 26 and I’ve been dating a girl for a couple of years now. She is a wonderful Catholic girl who started out as just a friend. We love each other and want to be married. We’ve remained virgins (although have been tempted to the contrary many times). Anyway, both of us have had problems in the judgement of the other. We both are exposed to many Catholic (and non-Catholic) Conservative information regarding family life. She is a part of Regnum Christi which provides good stimulus. I am an avid viewer/listener of EWTN, Radio Maria, and Dr. Laura which has given me much insight to successful marriages. We also converse with holy married people and read related books. The problem is that I have discovered that we may have been “overkilling” the choosing of our partners. We both have faults and maybe have been TOO critical of the other’s habits and turned that fear into fear of the future with each other. Despite this, we do love each other very much. My point to this is that I’m just wondering if others have done this same thing. It’s hard these days, because we have more problems in our society and young people have to recognize those issues in others in order to make proper friend and spousal choices, but that can be taken to an extreme I guess. It’s hard to be “on proper guard” and “open” simultaneously. Thank you and God bless.
Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -Albert Einstein **
Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." -Albert Einstein **