Your experience with the Assumptionists

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Hello. The introduction is big so go to the last paragraph if you want the questions.

The people who know my posting history know that I am a University student discerning his Vocation, and that I have certain attraction (false or legitimate) to the Jesuits and the Agustinians among the consecrated life.

Well, some days ago I was researching about the Agustinians of the Assumption (A.A.) an Order which built a well-known Shrine here in Argentina, and what captivated me about them is:

(A) Their evangelizing and vanguardist approach. They were created after the French Revolution, and afterwards ministered in Orthodox countries and later in Soviet Communism.

(B) Mentioning Christ as the center of their spirituality. Like, I really like some’s Orders’s spiritualities, but their descriptions often omit or blurr their christian foundation. This does not.

Anyway, I wanted to know if any of you know any Assumptionist. What are your experiences with them? Could you see their Charism in action? Do they have some secular apostolates or are they more of a “traditional priestly” order?

I probably won’t enter any seminary or novitiate until after ending my secular career, like 5 years down the road (unless God says otherwise), so this thread is just to satisfy my curiosity really. But I am still interested.
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I’m assuming that you are referring to the Augustinians of the Assumption? They were founded for education in all forms, and worked for the establishment of parish libraries.

The only experience I have with them is the parochial vicar at Sacred Heart in Knoxville before they became the cathedral. He seemed to be a nice guy, and was very focused on his job.

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
Thanks Cloisters. Yes, I was referring to the Agustinians of the Assumption.

Coincidentially, yesterday I went to a marian Shrine runned by them to attend a Mass. So know I have a little more “live” experience 😀
Have you been on a retreat or otherwise visited these or any other community. There are a lot of aspects to the religious life and it’s a must to visit communities and get a feel for what they are like and for them to get a feel for you. You won’t be accepted in any religious community unless they think you will fit in with them.
Yes, I know. No, I haven’t gone to any retreat with them but because for now I want to keep my discernment secret. I really like the idea of joining an order but first I have to finish the secular degree (I am only in the first year of University).

That’s why I’ve said this thread is more out of curiosity, as the Assumptionist aren’t so discussed here as some bigger orders (Jesuits, Dominicans, Franciscans, etc.).
I have just learnt they are a congregation. I thought they were canons regular. So, fitting in with one community is less important as there is a greater possibility of you being moved to where you are required and you would not assume stability in one monastery.
Thank you. Interesting… he was a physicist. Ministering in science is also one of the things I wanted if I ever became a religious so it’s good that the order accepts scientists!
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Many orders have scientists! Our pastor has a doctorate in chemistry, and prefers to go by “Dr (last name)” when in the classroom. He’s an Oblate of St Francis de Sales.

Just be a good Catholic Christian. Frequent the sacraments. Try to learn the Liturgy of the Hours.

I was in formation for the Dominican Laity while in college.

You’re still early in your studies, so there’s time for spiritual maturity before you discern in earnest. Events will often show the Lord’s will.

Always look locally first, then in the dioceses around yours. Learning about the different rules, congregations, etc, is good not only for yourself, but God might put someone in your path who needs that information.
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Thanks for the advise, Cloisters. I really appreciate it.
Just be a good Catholic Christian. Frequent the sacraments. Try to learn the Liturgy of the Hours.
I’m trying to do that, more or less. I still have problems with making prayer a daily programmed routine even with the LOTH but I think it’s improving.
You’re still early in your studies, so there’s time for spiritual maturity before you discern in earnest. Events will often show the Lord’s will.
That’s the position of my Spiritual Director, also. I personally want to undertake all the career I am in because I am really identified with science and environmental science in particular. But at the same time I love the apostolates some religious do and I have a desire to consecrate my entire life to God. As you say, I’ll have to wait and He will tell me where I am called.
I would additionally read up on the Rule of St Augustine, and the history of the Assumptionists. There are several congregations under their spiritual umbrella.

I pray for Assumptionist Vocations during the Assumption mystery of the rosary. While specifying the contemplative Orantes of the Assumption, I include the entire Assumptionist family, as well.

An Augustinian of the Assumption founded the Sisters of St Joan of Arc in Quebec. I think the Sisters are journeying towards Completion right now. They recently sold their unique motherhouse in Sillery for development into flats. If anyone knows the sisters’ status for sure, please let us know.
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