Your favorite costume growing up

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Greetings, all,

The talk about Halloween got me thinking. What was your favorite costume growing up (that you wore).

When I was in high school, some friends and I got together as the Ghost Busters, I think two of us were ghosts/ghouls. I was a Ghost buster and had on some kind of goggles, and an old cannister vacuum cleaner on my back! 😃

My second favorite was when my (now wife) girlfriend and I stuffed towels under long underwear and went as Hans and Franz. My wife was just Hilarious! “You are just jealous of my biceps! You are such a girly man!” 😛

It wasn’t exactly my favorite costume, but I seemed always to end up going as a Gypsy, probably because the components were easily assembled: a flowered skirt, flowered head scarf, and my mother’s hoop earrings. Those were the days when you had to make your own costume; there were no Halloween specialty stores selling $50 costumes.
When I was in first grade, my mom made me an angel costume, complete with a foil halo and foil-covered wings. It was a great costume although I kept bumping the wings into everything.

I also liked my cat costume from third grade (complete with furry ears and tail).
My mom taught me to sew when I was three, and I am innately creative, so I’ve made nearly all of my Halloween costumes from scratch (and I did a couple of stints designing costumes for high school plays, community theatre, and won first place in Renaissance costume design). As a result, my favorite Halloween costume was when my best friend and I were in high school. We went as Noah and the ark (she was the ark). Donna wore a large cardboard box with holes for her head and arms and we constructed a roof. We glued all of her little brother’s play animals all over (he was NOT happy!). As Noah I wore a long robe and beard, and carried an umbrella and squirt bottle with water in it (to simulate the rain, of course!).

My son has worn some GREAT costumes over the years, too. Here is a picture of one I made for him when he was in Kindergarten:

My favorite costume was my Pope Blsd. Pius IX suit which I wore every All Saint’s Day Eve in church and not out with all the heathen children prancing about in the satanic costumes begging for candy from strangers!!!
Why call children “Heathens” cause they wore ghost or monster costumes? Do you know if they werent Christians?

My favorite two homemade costumes were Dracula & Zorro…I got duel use out of that Cape! 😉
Years ago my mom dressed us up as the three stooges. But I did like when I was dressed as St. Therese for All Saints.

Recently dressed up as Martha for All Saints and after wearing that head piece all day I stopped telling my sister (the nun) that she had the better life.
God Bless those nuns!
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