I’d agree with some of the posters. We need to be good stewards of what God has given us. However, the whole subject, like tooooo many things today has become agenda driven on all sides. So much so that it is quite impossible to sift between the wheat and the weeds.
So here’s maybe a bit different take…
My brother, before he passed away was a priest. We used to talk about a lot of things… overpopulation, the secularization of society, the environment. I was much younger then, but the same stuff we talk about today was of concern back then.
Take population. We hear people speaking of gloom that we would run out of room by the 80s and kill things off. Didn’t happen, you might note. Then it was 2000. Didn’t happen. But his point was interesting: allow God to handle it. And He has, and He is, and He will.
Same with climate change. Why do we feel WE are the masters? Yes, we HAVE to be good stewards. God commands us to do that. But, no one made us masters of the universe. That’s both prideful and arrogant.
So to answer your question. Is climate change a problem? Who knows? It’s our job to be responsible. It’s similarly our job to allow God to do His will, not ours. Draconian measures does not seem to be aligned with God’s will. I kinda equate that to the servant who buried the money, and we all know how that worked out.
Maybe just something to think sbout.